Struggling to lose weight with fibromyalgia

How does anyone out there with fibromyalgia get motivated despite the pain and exhaustion???


  • I was just recently diagnosed and am trying to find the same answer...
    However my physical therapist just keeps telling me "The more you move the better you feel". When she says that and I'm in terrible pain the next day I feel like she's a sadist, BUT she's right. When I get up and move regardless of the lack of energy and all the pain I do start to feel better.
    Today is one of my bad days and I was like "Crap I need to move" and I started super slowly at first but eventually I started to feel better.
    So I know how you feel. I've got 80lbs to lose and everyday I feel like **** BUT I comfort myself with the fact that the more I move the more I'll feel better. Also, the more I move the more awesome looking I'll get and eventually I will be prepared for the zombie apocalypse ;)
    If you don't have a pet I strongly recommend getting one. I'm in college and found a way to have a cat and he makes sure I get up and move by meowing at me and looking at me disapprovingly. If you have a dog they will make you take them for a walk and play with them. Bonus: they make you happier and feel better. Just a thought.
    If you need support let me know! I'm new to this whole exercise thing but I could be someone to complain to if you need :)
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    It's very true the more you move the more you feel better, also make sure to try to get as much sleep as possible.

    As far as excersies that are good, try getting into a pool.

    I don't know why but a nice hot bath with epsom salts really helps if I'm super sore, it's so easy to stay in bed when it's flaring up but the best thing to try doing is get moving :)

    I've also noticed in the past that eating healthier has a direct co-relation to how stiff/sore I'm feeling the following day.
  • Sorry to re-awaken a dead post, but I had to share my experience.

    I was diagnosed 8 years ago and tried the traditional stuff-my-body-with-medications route. It did nothing but make me feel WORSE. So early 2013 I had enough. I was tired of feeling this way and decided to take my life back. In March I completed a 21 day cleanse/detox. During this program, I ate very specific meals (And tons of food surprisingly) and was required to cut out things I never thought I could live without - like COFFEE. The meal plan is vegan for the last 2 weeks. Since then, I've remained vegan and haven't had coffee since. This detox required me to really think about food differently and as a results I eliminated a lot of my trigger foods. This was critical.

    After the detox, I started a cardio kickboxing program. Before I started, I could barely make it up a flight of stairs. After the 8 week program, I was going on hikes. The next program was a 20 week intense cardio conditioning program. Looked impossible, but I did it. The ENTIRE thing. And during this program, I didn't just hike, I hiked to the summit of 2 13,000 foot mountains. One of the hikes was 8 hours 19 minutes. So I'd say my life changed pretty dramatically. I then completed a strength training program. And now I'm doing P90X3.

    The morale of the story is this: if you are willing to change your eating habits - start eating CLEAN and eliminate trigger foods - AND work hard, you CAN change your body. You can overcome your symptoms. I haven't had a single fibromyalgia symptom in almost a year. I take no medications. I have no pain. I honestly don't think I would be diagnosed with it today. It's gone. The pain and exhaustion will go away with continued exercise and proper nutrition.

    Best of luck in your journey!

  • spuds345
    spuds345 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I do not have fibromyalgia but I do have MS and I think they are both closely related. See if you recognize any of these symptoms, how about: Chronic fatigue, chronic pain, heat sensitivity, sleep problems (big problems), balance issues etc ...

    These are BIG roadblocks to be sure but they are not insurmountable (most days). Slow and steady wins the race.

    I find it best to try and not compare myself to other people's weight loss journeys. They are battling their own and different hurdles. Just try and look at the small steps you might be taking/making. Portion control, healthier snacking, making 100 steps more each day etc ..

    Remember: Progress not Perfect

    It's not entirely about losing weight it's about finding a healthier way to live:wink:
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    I have been wondering if fibromyalgia is something I may have. Maybe I should call my dr.
  • Hi, I do not have fibromyalgia but I do have MS and I think they are both closely related. See if you recognize any of these symptoms, how about: Chronic fatigue, chronic pain, heat sensitivity, sleep problems (big problems), balance issues etc ...

    These are BIG roadblocks to be sure but they are not insurmountable (most days). Slow and steady wins the race.

    I find it best to try and not compare myself to other people's weight loss journeys. They are battling their own and different hurdles. Just try and look at the small steps you might be taking/making. Portion control, healthier snacking, making 100 steps more each day etc ..

    Remember: Progress not Perfect

    It's not entirely about losing weight it's about finding a healthier way to live:wink:

    I love what you said about not comparing yourself with the journey of others! It's one of my biggest lessons in my own journey. It's about being YOUR best not someone else's. Also, my mother has MS and we do have similar experiences, obstacles, etc.