Support needed!

Hi all! I joined myfitnesspal months ago and I just could never commit. I am 21 years old and I have been overweight most of my life. I absolutely hate exercising and I can't seem to stop myself from eating crap all day long. I feel hopeless with my weight and it has gotten to the point where I can't look in the mirror without getting worked up and upset. I don't want to feel ashamed of my body anymore. I want to be proud and feel as beautiful as I know I can be. I am going to start working out at the gym in my neighborhood at least 4 days a week and I hope to cut down on the amount I eat and replace the crap with healthier options. Any friendly/supportive words of encouragement would be great :)


  • zombiefreak_oq
    I'm 22 years old and we're in the same boat lol i'm over weight bc i had a baby about 3 years ago. When i was in high school i was 150 lbs i'm trying to get back to that! When i was 12 i was almost 200 lbs i lost that now i'm doing it again! You can do it too, we both can hope you stick to it and don't worry if you mess up on a day remember you can make it up the next day! It's going to take time but you'll get it slowly REMEMBER nothing taste as good as skinny feels!
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Girl, welcome aboard, fasten seatbelts and hey ho here we go!
    Great that you are here doing what you doing. Only thing you gotta do is


    You might stumble, you might fall, but you will go up and go on making the next day a better one.
    MFP helps. It helps a lot but it is not the bits and bytes that let us go forward. We are. This is just a tool to make it easier for us a tiny bit.
    I started in January and I was 109 kg (220something lbs) and I hated working out as much as you say you do.

    I started with walking. Just walking outside the streets for an hour as fast as I was able to walk. I did that 2-3 times a week. In winter after work that aint no fun at all, but I walked on. Put some audiobooks in my ipod and just walked on. Then I chose some easier fitnesclasses in our community fitness circle. I tried stretching, Pilates and even "fatty-fitness" (the German name is a bit more friendly and pc :laugh: )

    And I started to eat healthier.
    Read what is written on the packages. Try to avoid heavy processed foods, better shop and eat fresh things. I added a lot of raw food to my diet and cut out a lot of carbs ( having additionally bread with meals for example, as my bf prefers to have is a nono for me now). My weakness are sweets in any kind and form so I found out how to substitute the usual yummy stuff with other yummy stuff that is healthier. fruit bars from the grocery, fruits... again: read what is in your food then decide.

    I lost about 70 lbs (36kg) so far. Started Zumba and fitfight classes, lift heavy and will do my first 5K next sunday... I do miss my sweets and cakes and cookies and pastries sometimes but I got so much additional joy and happiness while not having my usual things to binge, that I am sure I can go one a little while more not having them. And, as you see, working out can start being fun, so it was for me!

    When I reach my goal (I think next spring or early summer) I will be able to have more treats again but I know i must stay with my own limits for some food and living what I've learned during this year: I am in my own control. I know what is best for me and I hold the golden key to keep everything in a good balance. Not going back to extremes but maintaining a healthy and joyful lifestyle.

    Maybe you found one or two tips to make it easier for ya and a bit of inspiration what you can have after a bit of a hard road for the next monts... feel free to add me, I love to have fun and joking around and try to give support and inspiration where needed.

    DONT GIVE UP WHAT YOU WANT MOST FOR WHAT YOU WANT NOW! (This one helps me a lot to overcome cravings :bigsmile: )

    All the best
  • debreeder2
    It is so hard, don't give up. You are not alone! You have a good plan. Are you able to get a Fit BIt for tracking your exercise? I am going to get one today to help me stay motivated with my exercise! Think about what you are doing for your health, heart, self esteem and cancer fighting foods! You go girl!!
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Add me if you wish. I will be a friendly pain in your *kitten*!
  • Dan_73
    Dan_73 Posts: 9 Member
    This is a great place to be, add me as a friend if you like.