Compression socks - Yea or Nay

Hi Everyone, I'm currently in the process of recovering from a running injury. It's in the hip, butt and through my thigh and calf muscle on the right side. Prior to that I've experienced many issues with muscle spasms in my feet and legs and waking through the night with a charley horse. I had back surgery 7 years ago and I have some permanent nerve damage in both legs and my foot which add to my issues. Any how, I've been reading some recovery and prevention articles and compression socks seem to be a popular idea. Does anyone out there use them and have some feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks!


  • Cannon_G
    Cannon_G Posts: 77 Member
    I use compression calf sleeves and love them. I just ran the Disneyland half last weekend with them and my legs felt so much better than the Disney World half that I ran in January without sleeves. To me they make a huge difference in post run fatigue.
  • cassandrac1983
    I'm training for my first half, and have been using them on alll my rus loger than 12k, as well as all my hill training, and have had no muscle pain, nor fatigue, in my calves! I use a sleeve instead of a sock, because I like to wear "special" socks (aka really cheap ones from Walmart that are super thin!)...That way I also get more wears between washes as they are just on my leg and not my foot.

    My friend is nursing a calf injury, and while I think she should not be running at all, she says the compression helps!
  • Arnegard
    Arnegard Posts: 22 Member
    I have 2 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of sleeves. I have completed 3 halfs and love them. They really help with shin splints and muscle recovery after a long run. I usually wear the sleeves for during a run and the socks for recovery after. I recommend buying a pair to try them out.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I liked them for my longer runs but wasn't sure how much they really helped. Then I did the Susan G Komen 60 mile 3 day walk. First day we did 20 miles. I didn't wear my socks. At the end of the day I was incredibly sore - could barely walk. Wasn't sure how I'd do it again two more days! I had my husband bring my compression socks. On days 2 and 3 I wore my compression socks and compression shorts. No soreness! I felt tons better on days two and three.

    So I agree with others - get them!