In the "100 lbs to Lose Club" Yikes!

Hi all,

I joined a while ago, but have not made much use of the site. I am the heaviest I have ever been and I have *HAD IT* with being so heavy! NO MORE! I want energy, to feel healthier, and to look at photos of myself and not cringe.

I have a lot of work to do and it seems overwhelming. I plan to exercise *at least* 30 mins 5x per week and will hopefully increase that as I get into a routine. I recently got a l'il Fitbit Zip to help me get a true picture of how much walking I get in per day.

One of my biggest obstacles is emotional eating. I tend to eat unhealthy things in large amounts when sad/bored/stressed/frustrated. I could really use some suggestions/strategies on this front :-/

I hope to make some new friends and together help one another track our progress, overcome our obstacles, and accomplish our goals!


  • Jamierflees
    Jamierflees Posts: 17 Member
    I eat/used to eat my feelings too! Now, I go to a Zumba class instead and it's worked every time but once. I feel better after class than any fast food, chocolate chip cookie or panzarotti ever made me feel. Once you get in your groove, you'll notice it too!! You CAN do this! =D
  • LuFitch
    LuFitch Posts: 6 Member
    I can relate to most of what you I am not sure on navigating this site yet. But will learn.
    I am going to go to a gym since where I live I can afford the 20 dollars a month. If I had a friend I would just go walking. But my friends are skinny. I do at times get up and put music on and dance to it ,or read which helps. And I drink lots of water. No diet soda. I will go to the dollar store or Walmart just to get out of the house. But I eat something before I go. Stay busy doing something...
  • toad493lbs
    toad493lbs Posts: 39 Member
    I understand completely I am on a journey to loose 313 pounds. I also eat my feelings. And like others while I love sweet foods I am fat because I simply adore good foods. And my darling wife is an awesome cook. We raised 3 boys and she always made sure there was plenty to eat. Well that equals leftovers and that means snacks later that evening, you know what that means.
    After trying several times to lose weight I finally am doing well with the help of this site and my nutritionist , cardiologist and doctor. Being able to see the nutrition in print has helped me immensely.
    Get some good friends on here that eat correctly, not just protein powder, real food. And then share your journey daily with them. You will see a big difference. I have changed my lifestyle not just reduced my calorie intake. That is what it takes to do this long term.
    There are those that only want to "Get Ripped" on here that disagree with my ideas but they are on a different journey and dont understand what it is that those in our situation really need.
    Also if a friend is not being helpful do not be afraid of letting them go. Do not let bad friends drag you down. If you need a friend I am here. But I only accept friends that have a open diary. That way you can truly advise each other on your foods.
    Well enough of my soap boxing. May God Bless you on your journey.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    See? You are in GREAT company here. Congratulations to your decision to be healthier. There are many people on here who had even more than you to lose, and they did it! Just check out the success stories if you need a bit of boost!
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Welcome! I am in the 100+ club but hey who is counting all the extra?? lol oh yes I am! :D I am sahm to 3 girls (13, 8 and 3) and do pt nanny work as well so I stay pretty busy but have lost 23lbs so far (since May) and plan to keep going! I log daily, try to comment on my friends often, feel fee to add me :)

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Hi! I have 90 to lose and just started on my journey as of...about two hours ago. :) Feel free to add me!