How to get over fear of jogging in front of people?



  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I get that starting those 'inspiring' letters to 'fat girls' running with ''dear fat girl'' or ''dear fatty'' is supposed to make a more obvious juxtaposition between what you would expect the speaker to follow with and what they actually end up saying......but I still can't get past the fact that despite the fact that they supposedly ''respect'' the ''fat girl'' for running, they're still using a disrespectful label to do so. I don't care if someone ''respects'' that I'm running if they're still going to think of me as (and refer to me as) ''fatty''.
  • sydneybeachgirl
    interesting topic...i am a big -muscular girl - and whilst I have no issues with working out at the gym I am terrified of running outside of the on normal road. it is partially due to the fact that I have coordination issues so whilst the treadmill is an extremely safe platform to run on but is also to do with my insercurities. Whilst I have triceps others would die for I dont consider myself to be a runner and feel really awkard when I have to do that. Even the whole sequence of running feels awkard...I dont have any issues with swimming, cycling etc in public it is just the my new year resolution for 2014 is that once a week I will go to the nearby oval and run 1 lap...trying not to care who sees me or not..