My bad week

Since joining MFP in February, I've done remarkably well with this whole "weight loss" thing. I've lost more in 6 months than I've ever managed to lose before, and I had a great outlook. I still have a long way to go, but I was making progress.

This past week, I've been awful! I've managed to stay under my calorie goal every day, but I know I'm underestimating, haven't been weighing accurately, and have been stealing "bites" of my husbands food that I don't count. It's only a bite, right? On top of it all, I haven't exercised one bit in the past week.

In the beginning, the weight came off easily. Now, being lighter, I burn less every day. I've lost almost 100 pounds that I don't carry with me everywhere I go, and the weight loss has slowed terribly. In this bad week, I've gained 3 pounds. I know it's probably water mostly, from the carbs and salt I've been gorging on, but it is very disappointing to see that I'm not losing anymore.

I keep my diary private, since what I eat is very personal, but I have decided that tomorrow is the beginning of a restart. I am going to weigh my food again, overestimate if I must estimate, and at the very least do some bicep curls. Wednesday, my day off, is going to be hiking day, no matter what.

I'm posting this long-winded speech because I want to remind myself that I can, have, and will do this! By next Monday morning, I will have lost my 3 pounds and another half pound! Hopefully this statement will give me some more accountability, and re-energize me into making better decisions.

Good Luck to everyone, I'll see you in a week :)