Stopped Losing

So I started off really great and lost 11lbs and now when I only have about 10 more to go I cannot seem to make any progress. I exercise eat the right amount and still seem to go no where.....any advice?


  • wolverinefactor
    You need to "shock" your body. Do something out of the norm, workout a lot more, do a different workout entirely and change what you eat, oddly enough if I have a bad food day and then get right back on track, I lose a solid pound. You can't over do it of course but it's the little "odd" things that kick your system into a new work mode.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    First, check to make sure you are not eating less than your BMR (check it in the tools). If you eat less than your resting metabolic rate, you will lower your metabolism.

    If that is not the problem, are you having difficulty sticking with the program--eating and exercising? Perhaps you would benefit from bumping up the exercise, or just changing up what you eat to make it more interestig.