
I am new to My Fitness Pal.

Sounds daft, but I'm a little nervous joining. I need a new start though. It's time to do this.

I am 26, female, living in England. I've just stepped on the scales and realised that I am at my highest weight ever. I knew things were definitely going the wrong way - At 18 I was a UK size 12, I'm now a size 20. To get back to roughly what I weighed at a size 12 I need to lose approximately 85lbs or so. I would ultimately like to lose a little more than that as I am only short and even at size 12 I would be classed as overweight for my height. More importantly than wanting to look better, I want to get fitter and be able to feel happier with myself.

Exercise wise, I am really unfit at the moment. I actually used to be really fit when I was 18/19, but a student lifestyle (followed by working in an office before I started my teacher training) meant my fitness levels dramatically declined. I know I am totally to blame for this, but it's time to try and set it right. My main problem though is I get frustrated easily as I keep comparing myself to how fit I used to be. I need to get it in to my head that I can get there again, but it's going to take some time.

Outside of weight loss I am a trainee teacher. I enjoy reading, going to the cinema, crafting (mostly papercrafts and sewing, but would love to learn to crochet), going down the pub for a quiet drink and chats with friends, etc.

I do plan to be active on here. I'm going to need all the support I can get, but I do also intend to be supportive and a friendly face for anyone else that also could do with some support.



  • princesstoadstool82
    Hello back :)
    Ive been plus sized since the hormones started lol... being the size I am doesnt bother me its being healthy thats important to me... you can do this... you just have to really want it.
    Ive been using the eat more 2 weigh less method.. and I work out 3 times a week heavy lifting.. stronglifts is the program I use for that. Good luck on your journey :)
  • EffortOverTime
    EffortOverTime Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome to my fitness pal, you wont regret joining! I found the biggest thing in achieving my goals was being accountable! No low fat or no fat diets, no low carb or no carb diets... Small PERMANENT lifestyle changes is the recipe for success and MFP makes it's so easy to implement and manage those changes through accountability!

    Frustration in thinking about how you used to look and feel can be a great tool! Chanel that negative energy into your workouts and food intake and know that not only will you get back to that level of fitness but have the capability to smash it!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like any hint and tips on getting started with your journey!