Why does it feel like I am in a permanent battle????

So I had lost a lot of weight, and over the course of a year, gained some back. I have 15 lbs to get to where I was, and 25 lbs to get to my goal. Every day seems like a battle......and I am losing. The weight is coming off so slowly. I try to remind myself that more important than the number on the scale, is being healthy and making healthy choices. But I am healthy -- bp, cholesterol, etc are all amazingly perfect.
Any tricks to up metabolism or see a jump in weight loss?
Any thoughts to keep a positive outlook and feel less like a casualty in the weight loss fight?


  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Honestly, I think a change in your expectations / perspective would help you immensely.

    You said it yourself, it took you a year to gain the weight. It's going to take you some time to shed it. It's going to be hard, because change is hard. I think when you stop fighting that and accept it, half the battle will be won.

    Focus on the positives - how good you feel after a workout, how you're making positive dietary choices for yourself, how well you're taking care of yourself, how you're taking control of your life. These are all good things.

    And if you REALLY need the validation of metrics, start taking measurements and not just weighing yourself. Start keeping a journal of how you feel, writing down the positives of each day.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    Just remember we all have to take one day at time. Some of us do not get to our goal as fast as others do, but we do get there. Just try to stay focus as this is a lifestyle change on going. I'm only losing about a pound a week, but I know if I keep going it will all add up to a big number.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    You should try to get to a point where eating under your maintenance does not feel like absolute torture. Then later you can change back to maintenance and you'll feel like you have huge amounts of calories to play with.

    How do you let eating at a deficit not be torture? Well what I do is start as slow as I can and keep as many calories in the bank as I possibly can. That means, eat a big meal at night and not in the morning. Mentally I just cope better that way because the whole day I know I am forcing myself not to eat for a reason, ie the big meal at night.

    Also treat yourself! Try to eat a piece of 90% chocolate, or a spoon of peanut butter, anything you really like. For me the magic snack is a big apple.

    I have mixed feelings about cheat days. I think having one every week is not ideal. If you have to to keep going that's fine, but make sure you don't undo what you've done through the week. Eat 800-1200 calories extra maybe that day and plan ahead. Don't cheat the whole day just the one big yummy meal.

    Also the rest is counting. If you count it and you eat 500 calories under every day, you will end up losing a pound per week. It's really that simple.

    You can lose the pounds you want to lose before Christmas. But if you're having trouble coping with your allowed calories eat for 1lbs of loss per week.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Life is a journey. And traveling to a healthier, sleeker, stronger, fitter you is a trip that does take a lifetime. If you see it as just a short trip to 25 lbs and back to previous habits, then you are setting yourself up to take this trip again in the future when you have again gained some of it back. Every day is a chance to make a better choice, not a fight to win or lose, but an opportunity to do the very best you can with that day.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You need to get away from the battle mentality. It is not something you win or lose. You need to get healthy to live a long happy life. Why are you doing this? I have changed my life style to incorporate healthy habits and am slowly adding more as time goes on. I am not losing a ton of weight in a short time and then jumping off until I gain and am unhappy again. This is a way of life and living not a battle.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    So I had lost a lot of weight, and over the course of a year, gained some back. I have 15 lbs to get to where I was, and 25 lbs to get to my goal. Every day seems like a battle......and I am losing. The weight is coming off so slowly. I try to remind myself that more important than the number on the scale, is being healthy and making healthy choices. But I am healthy -- bp, cholesterol, etc are all amazingly perfect.
    Any tricks to up metabolism or see a jump in weight loss?
    Any thoughts to keep a positive outlook and feel less like a casualty in the weight loss fight?

    Patience, grasshopper!

    You say the weight is coming off slowly - that sounds like you're winning the battle, slowly but surely.

    I hear you though. I have had to come to the realization that watching my weight will be a life-long thing for me. I may not have to be as dedicated to counting calories, and I may be able to cut back a bit on the exercising, but it's something I'll always have to be aware off and make conscious decisions.
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Several folks here have given you good information but everyone's situation is different. Part of the reason that it's so difficult to respond to your questions (and they are legitimate) is that unless we are your friends, we can't see your exercise or eating diary. And those are critical to helping answer your questions. Approach your friends on MFP. Hopefully they will have some perspective. After being on this long, you probably have an idea which ones would be good to ask. Email them directly with your questions. I believe that your results from that source may be more impactful.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    You're not failing - you're winning the battle. The weight is coming off and you're losing it slowly, which is the healthy way.

    Stick with and good luck! x
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    It is a permanent journey not always a battle I am over 5 years now sometimes it was straight down other times sideways and YES we did go up at times for months at times but you adjust and live your lifestyle this is your life for the future not just a weight loss or diet thing the health is the important thing the weight is only a part of it.
    I hit a major goal this morning and at one time thought if I ever get here I am done impossible to do. Today I am looking to improve still and continue a healthy life.
    Be patient and continue the right things and your goals will happen
    start 367 loss 183.5 weigh 183.5 half off and half on you can do what you want to do as well
    Good health and good losing
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You're losing weight slowly? I'm not losing at all at the moment. Obesity is a chronic condition and must be managed as such. A recovering alcoholic still has to go to meetings, a diabetic needs to monitor blood sugar, a fat person, even after he is thin, must still do this MFP stuff in some form.