teen stressing about calories :l read



  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    Your young, enjoy being active while you can. One day about ten to fifteen years in the future you will wake up and the joint pain will make you want to cry, and you'll know it only gets worse. Don't worry about calories, there's really no point at your age if your active.

    If you're having joint pain so bad it's making you cry at 24, something is SERIOUSLY not right.

    And to the OP, I echo what everyone else said. I went through a "phase" like this when I was younger, but it was because I had other problems that needed to be dealt with. It's normal to be self-conscious as a teen, but you need to talk to someone about this.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    My advise to you, as an 18 year old is this:
    Don't stress.
    I was 14 once. Four years ago and it feels like forever ago. I think I was a freshman in high school....? Now I'm a college sophomore. Or going to be, anyway.
    I was obese when I was that age but I had no/little knowledge of how to eat right. I knew I was obese and if I ate 'bad food' I felt so bad. My self esteem, confidence, and belief was awful and not being happy with my body only made it ten times worse.

    But don't stress it. Yes, enjoy yourself when you go out to eat. I only started seriously counting calories only recently and I've found that when I go out to eat, it's better to enjoy yourself and give yourself a cheat day than to frantically look over the menu for something that will fit into our daily caloric goal. Sadly, not many restaurants offer 'healthy' food. But ONE day, heck even TWO days a week to go out to eat, enjoy yourself, and 'eat badly'? It's OKAY. It's not an every day thing.

    Also, you're probably in high school. Join a sport team or get into a sport club! Or just go on your own. When I was 14, I got a horse (in my profile pic, she is my best friend haha) and I had been riding for about four years. Horse riding was my thing. I also got into jogging my junior and senior year. Now that I'm in college, I've joined an equestrian team. Go find a sport you like and then you will not have ANY worries of gaining weight. Between your metabolism and a healthy (but not strict!) diet you will be just fine.
  • Thea_N
    Thea_N Posts: 16
    Hey girl, my younger cousin has been contacting me lately. she's sort of in the same situation as you. I give her my advice and i'll just let you know what I say. Stay away from fast food if you don't mind not eating it.. every once in a while is ok. Home cooked meals even if they aren't very healthy are 90% better than eating fast food.. so go ahead and indulge at home.. also 2400 calories seems like a lot to you but if you think about it at your age you are way more active than say a 50 yr old who sits at a desk all day.. you may walk to school have pe class walk around between classes walk home workout.. all those things youre burning calories while an older person drives to work sits at a desk and drives home. it is good that you are conscious about what you eat, but dont think about the calories so much. if you eat more you will hopefully start your period again.. and possibly gain weight.. but thats you growing in to your body not you getting fat. i didnt start my period until i turned 16 and i felt like oh man im changing im not long and lanky anymore.. but i ended up getting nice curves that i love!!!! dont stress about calories.. as long as you know youre healthy and happy no calorie counter could tell you otherwise! good luck:)
  • bikinibrooke123
    I do eat enough and healthy. I'm just scared to eat fatty foods. Even one in a while I think about the calories in the unhealthy foods... I don't get why I have no period still. Can the Dr. regulate it with birth control?
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    Be very careful about limiting yourself on calories. First of all you are young so you overall calorie intake is going to be much higher than most of us on here. Being healthy is wonderful, but you can eat higher calories and be healthy too. My younger sister made the mistake of thinking that eating fewer calories was healthy until she became anorexic and weighed 75lbs at 5'3. Please be very careful. Also, as a woman you really have to have some of the healthier fats to let your body take care of its reproductive system. Obviously not greasy food, but you need things like nuts, avocado, and etc. You are beautiful the way God made you, and you do need to be concerned about eating healthy, but don't make it an unhealthy obsession, because you could end up with more problems than you bargained for.
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    As for your period, you are still VERY young. Your hormones are still in the process of leveling out, and your cycle may not be regular yet. But, it's something you should see a doctor about. We here really can't help you with that. Only a doctor can figure out what's wrong, give you the necessary meds, or do the necessary procedure.

    When I was your age, I once bled for over a month and a half. Every day. Straight. All it took was some hormone pills to get everything balanced the way it should be. Then, when I was 16, I didn't get my period for 3 months. Same thing, nothing was wrong, my hormones were just a little off.

    BUT, my friend (who is 24) just lost her period for 3 months, went to the doctor, and it turned out she had an under active thyroid.

    You really need to go get checked out, and DON'T limit your calories. You're growing quickly, your body is changing, and what you may see as "fat" is just your body developing. All women need some body fat to have a period, and almost all women have some fat around their hips and belly that won't ever go away (and shouldn't). It's part of being female. True, some women are naturally very slender, but it's their body type and not the result of unhealthy eating habits and yes, eating "healthy" to an extreme is just as bad as over eating.

    You really should go to the doctor. It seems like you have more than few things going on.
  • bikinibrooke123
    As for your period, you are still VERY young. Your hormones are still in the process of leveling out, and your cycle may not be regular yet. But, it's something you should see a doctor about. We here really can't help you with that. Only a doctor can figure out what's wrong, give you the necessary meds, or do the necessary procedure.

    When I was your age, I once bled for over a month and a half. Every day. Straight. All it took was some hormone pills to get everything balanced the way it should be. Then, when I was 16, I didn't get my period for 3 months. Same thing, nothing was wrong, my hormones were just a little off.

    BUT, my friend (who is 24) just lost her period for 3 months, went to the doctor, and it turned out she had an under active thyroid.

    You really need to go get checked out, and DON'T limit your calories. You're growing quickly, your body is changing, and what you may see as "fat" is just your body developing. All women need some body fat to have a period, and almost all women have some fat around their hips and belly that won't ever go away (and shouldn't). It's part of being female. True, some women are naturally very slender, but it's their body type and not the result of unhealthy eating habits and yes, eating "healthy" to an extreme is just as bad as over eating.

    You really should go to the doctor. It seems like you have more than few things going on.

    Maybe its just because I'm young and not regular yet. I don't know?

    But anyways I'm excited for tomorrow about the fireworks and everything. But hopefully tomorrow when my family and me go to Coldstone creamery and friendly's restraunt I won't hessatate to get what I want. I need someone to tell me that if I eat something not healthy tomorrow it will do no harm, I WANT to belive that!
  • bikinibrooke123
    Maybe its just because I'm young and not regular yet. I don't know?

    But anyways I'm excited for tomorrow about the fireworks and everything. But hopefully tomorrow when my family and me go to Coldstone creamery and friendly's restraunt I won't hessatate to get what I want. I need someone to tell me that if I eat something not healthy tomorrow it will do no harm, I WANT to belive that!
  • bikinibrooke123
    Okay everyone. I went to friendly's and ordered a BLT and French fries!
    I haven't had a order of fries for a year. Crazy,I know. I've noticed Friendly's shrunk their fries portion.
    Then after the fireworks,we got Coldstone creamery. I got sweet cream I've cream with roasted almonds and a ghirardelli caramel square all smashed up :)

    I'm so happy I didn't worry about calories. I really am to young to worry aren't i?
  • bikinibrooke123
    Okay everyone. I went to friendly's and ordered a BLT and French fries!
    I haven't had a order of fries for a year. Crazy,I know. I've noticed Friendly's shrunk their fries portion.
    Then after the fireworks,we got Coldstone creamery. I got sweet cream I've cream with roasted almonds and a ghirardelli caramel square all smashed up :)

    I'm so happy I didn't worry about calories. I really am to young to worry aren't i?
  • bikinibrooke123
    As for your period, you are still VERY young. Your hormones are still in the process of leveling out, and your cycle may not be regular yet. But, it's something you should see a doctor about. We here really can't help you with that. Only a doctor can figure out what's wrong, give you the necessary meds, or do the necessary procedure.

    When I was your age, I once bled for over a month and a half. Every day. Straight. All it took was some hormone pills to get everything balanced the way it should be. Then, when I was 16, I didn't get my period for 3 months. Same thing, nothing was wrong, my hormones were just a little off.

    BUT, my friend (who is 24) just lost her period for 3 months, went to the doctor, and it turned out she had an under active thyroid.

    You really need to go get checked out, and DON'T limit your calories. You're growing quickly, your body is changing, and what you may see as "fat" is just your body developing. All women need some body fat to have a period, and almost all women have some fat around their hips and belly that won't ever go away (and shouldn't). It's part of being female. True, some women are naturally very slender, but it's their body type and not the result of unhealthy eating habits and yes, eating "healthy" to an extreme is just as bad as over eating.

    You really should go to the doctor. It seems like you have more than few things going on.


    Okay everyone. I went to friendly's and ordered a BLT and French fries!
    I haven't had a order of fries for a year. Crazy,I know. I've noticed Friendly's shrunk their fries portion.
    Then after the fireworks,we got Coldstone creamery. I got sweet cream I've cream with roasted almonds and a ghirardelli caramel square all smashed up :)

    I'm so happy I didn't worry about calories. I really am to young to worry aren't i?