Hi I am new and wanted to introduce myself

jasserstar Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
HI guys,

I joined my fitnesspal a little while ago because my friend was on it and was using it to help track her food and exercise.
I am 31 from Los Angeles California and I have about 19 lbs to lose. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and have gone up and down and up and down.

I am finally at a point where I don't care how long it takes me. I am willing to go slow but do it right. I want to be healthy and feel strong and I want to be able to have a normal relationship with food.

Let me tell you this quick story to ilustrate the point. Today I went to eat with a couple of my friends who have never had an issue with their weight and I saw how easy it was for them to eat whatever they wanted and stop the moment ther were full. One of them even ate half a sandwich said she was full but still order dessert to only take 2 bites of it and leave the rest sitting on the table. I realized that she was not obsessing about the fact that she was leaving all this food uneaten. She was full and that was that. She did not even ask for a to go box.

I don't know if I will every have that kind of relationship with food but I do want to be able to eat only when I am hungry and stop when I am full. That is my long term goal. I don't want to diet anymore. If there are other people who feel the same way and are on the path to recovery from a food obsession please add me as your friend and we can give each other support.


  • sebrat
    sebrat Posts: 31 Member

    Oh honey, do I ever sympathise with you. I went thru some programs to help me work with my food issues, but they keep creeping back up. The food allergy dosent elp, either. Just remember that there are people who are also struggling! Take it one day, one step at a time and you can work with it. Love:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome :):flowerforyou:

    Initially you have to calculate your portions and eat, but after a few days you will start to realize when you are full.

    When you are eating something which you really like. Take a bite or two, then give a pause like 2 min. Your craving is gone, and the rest of the food doesn't look so appetizing anymore :)

    Now I keep eating something only if I still feel like eating. Else a bite or two and my craving is gone. That's the point I stop putting it in my mouth if its too much on calories. I could never do that earlier.

    And as for wasting food, I try not to. But at times you have too much on your plate, then I figure if I put that in my mouth I have to get rid of it exercising(the harder way), easy is to leave it out of my body. I figure that food is a waste anyway.

    Hope I made sense :)
  • Tems
    Tems Posts: 16
    I also have the same obseesion with food & most of my friends are slim:ohwell: ...wish i didn't have to watch what i eat but i guess everyone is different. In the mean time, take it one day at a time, there will be good days & bad days, it does get easier - promise
  • YasminR
    YasminR Posts: 54 Member

    I can completely empathise with your situation. I have 4 sisters all of whom are slim and gorgeous and most of my friends are slim too. I have a really difficult relationship with food especially as i comfort eat. Let's try and support each other through this.
    Much love xx
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