Curves vs Gym



  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    I for one have attended a curves introduction session and it was no where near as intence of a session I would need to increase my heart beat, it is best for those that are complete beginners with exercise and doesnt invove very much cardio what so ever, which is what you should be doing to loose a great deal of weight (swimming, walking, running).

    It tents to be a much older generation that get involved, for the social aspect and it probably works for those that tends to be very unfit.
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    As a reply to the comment that 30 minutes burns 200 cals, more than walking- there is no way of even telling this as the machines at curves to not have calorie counts? So this is more than likely just somebody prediction.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I went to Curves for 8 1/2 years up until they closed here around Christmas time last year. It kept me coming back like no other exercise ever has. I guess it was the atmosphere. It was just a really nice place to be. As far as the intensity of the exercise, that is up to you. You can make each machine as hard as you want it to be. A lot of the time I didn't work as hard as I could have.

    If you want a quick combination strength and cardio workout in a friendly environment, go for it. If you want to do serious strength training, then a regular gym is better. You won't become a body builder at Curves. However, you will have to plan your routine, which you don't have to do at Curves.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have gone to 24 Hour Fitness and it's great, except at my location they were so busy it was hard to get a treadmill or elliptical any time from about 5 pm to 9 pm. People would literally be leaning against a wall waiting for machines. I go to Planet Fitness now, they have circuits like Curves, but you can add weight resistance to the moves which allows you to progress while Curves does not. I've been going for about 2 months and have NEVER had to wait for a cardio machine. Added bonus: $10.00 a month!!!!!!

    When I started going to the gym- I did water aerobics. It took me months to work up to even a treadmill. At the time I was about 250 pounds and 5 ft 1in. I thought all these healthy people will think what's tubby doing here. Instead people were great. My worse fear was to see someone I knew, then it happened. A man I had worked with for 15 years saw me on a bike sweating like a pig and just started chatting like there was nothing unusual about the situation. Then I realized there wasn't. This is what healthy people do, they sweat, they move. I was being the odd man (woman) out by not doing these things.

    This is how I feel now, it's normal to go the gym. The odd behavior is sitting on your *kitten* complaining. I'm still not done with my journey and its taken some twists and turns but I'm down 100 pounds from when I first started. I go to the gym now, lift weights, treadmill, bikes, elliptical, whatever. I will still pull my t-shirt down over my gut when I'm doing crunches- I"m not so comfy I need my gut hanging out but it's been a slow transformation.

    Good job on your progress so far- Keep Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, depending on your political beliefs you might want to do a little research on Curves.
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    I have a long time member of a Curves in my area, off and on for a few years. The reason I eventually stop going is because I stop progressing (one of the Curves "trainers" told me that I needed to add more cardio by walking or something because Curves was really about strengthening). What I did find that I attributed to Curves was that my blood sugar dropped the more I worked out there; I was prediabetic, and just adding 3 days a week strength training from Curves brought my A1c down to a normal level. I also found I was able to walk a lot more without huffing and puffing, so it helped me build my endurance. In terms of weight loss, it didn't help me with that beyond the first month I started; I think it helped to keep me at a steady weight because, once I stopped, I started gradually gaining weight again. That's always when I go back.

    Everyone here who recommends a gym is probably right, though. The Curves routine IS very boring, and there's really no way to progress with the machines. I have to force myself to get there three times a week. I would go to a gym if I felt more comfortable with my weight, and I keep telling myself that I will go to a regular gym once I get down to X pounds. Which has never happened. But, if you are really self-conscious about your weight and don't want a bunch of guys staring at your butt, then it's a good place to be.

    A few other posters said it's very social, and that's been my experience, too. I think that's supposed to be part of the appeal of Curves, but it can get annoying when you just want to focus on your workout.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    I think you should consider something else besides Curves. To be completely honest with you.... no one cares what you are doing at the gym. Even if you catch someone glancing at you... I can almost 100% promise you it is just a passing glance and they are not analyzing what you are doing. At all the gyms I have ever gone to no one gave a flying crap about what I was doing unless I specifically asked other members for help. You are psyching yourself out because of your own insecurities and part of this journey is to overcome things like that. Curves is really limited and you will quickly find that it is not challenging. if you are really serious about working out, find a gym that has everything (indoor swimming, classes, machines, weights) so that you have options to continually challenge yourself. The best thing that I can sugges that might make you feel more comfortable is to join an all womans gym like Lucille Roberts (which is what I did at first). Once I got comfortable there, I got another membership at Planet Fitness (which I personally really enjoy) and I have tried different groupon deals for other gyms and classes.

    I'm not trying to be hard on you because I do remember being very nervous trying my gym for the first time. And yes, MAYBE someone will be pathetic enough to focus on you and make remarks while you are in the gym instead of minding their own business. But I had to get over worrying about things like that if I wanted results. And results is exactly what I got once I stopped focusing on everyone else and started focusing on me.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I was a Curves member and lost several lbs and inches. It is more Circuit training than strength training. But of you are just getting used to an exercise routine and are intimated by the gym, it is a good place to start. They do push their products a lot, but every program does that. The reason I left, my club changed owners and I transitioned to working out at home after having my last baby.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Join a YMCA. You get a good gym and a pool. Swimming and weights. But check a few Y's. One near my brother has no free weights beyond a 35# dumbbell.
    But others have the full compliment of both machine and free weight workout.
    And great group classes too.
  • Curves is a very good choice to start with! If you are 'fat' it will really help you. It helped me lose 25 kg. I only have to change Curves now because my body got used to the workout and the circuit became easy for me as the machines are hydraulic so you can't increase the resistance of them. Start with curves and you will see the results..then switch it up when the workout becomes easy for you. Also curves tones your body and adds a little muscle so if you want to build muscle later you will have to change it! I am also changing curves because I want to add extra muscle! GOOD LUCK :)