Thanks for having me....

Hi Everyone,

My name is MakeupDiva612(I am a Makeup Artist). I am 34 yr old, 5'5, and 180 lbs; ewww.. At least "ewww" is the way that I feel after I eat the fried food, fast food, and the sweets(that I love so much), or when I look in the mirror. The worst is when I am walking down the street, and I look at my reflection in the store window; all I see it belly. A big ole belly.

Now don't get me wrong, I have a really cute face, I'm smart, witty, with a great somewhat dry sense of humor. However, all of that doesn't negate the fact that I am unhealthy; and I need to do something about it. There really isn't a valid reason for me to weight 180 lbs, carrying a lot of it in my upper body(which is extremely unhealthy). Yeah, I had a child, but that was almost 10 years ago; and I lost 30 lbs 3 years. Needless to say I gained those 30 lbs back plus 5 more, yuck!

So, I need to lose the weight. For my own self worth, and for the sake of my child. I don't want to be the aging parent that is a constant source of worry for my child because I won't take of my body. Thus, forcing upon my child the need to worry about what I am eating, if I will have a heart attack or stroke; when said child should be having a wonderful life free of worrying about my health.

With your help and support, I plan to lose 45 lbs within 8 months. I hope to gain great friends in the process,and be of support to to you as well. Thanks so much for having me...



  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Welcome... I'm submitting paperwork to adopt you. :bigsmile:

    Willing to do this is half the battle. If I may, consider not putting a deadline on losing weight. It happens when it happens, and missing a deadline is a frustration best avoided when it comes to weight loss. Just be faithful to follow the simple rules of 1) eat less, 2) move more, and 3) repeat.

    Who knows? Maybe it will take less than 8 months, maybe way less.
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Welcome to MFP. Good for you for making a step towards being healthy. I was like you, not really overweight but could see myself getting there and wanted to do something about it before it got too hard. Feel free to add me as a friend. Best of luck!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member

    I love your intro and I think your goal is great.

    Feel free to add me if you like.

    Wishing you the best on your fitness journey.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    loved your intro as well. wish you the best of luck!!!! feel free to add me.
  • Yay I am a Makeup artist also. Good luck in your weight loss. You got this.
  • @BitSlinger Thanks for the welcome!!! Maybe a deadline isn't such a good idea. But, do I actually have to eat less? Darn it!! :-)

    @bf43005 Thanks for the encouragement and I will definitely add you as my first friend here....

    @theeffort I wanted to be honest as possible about this journey...Thanks!!!

    @qtgonewild I will be adding you too. Thanks!!!
  • @JaimeB875 Hott Dang!!! Another MUA! Maybe we can exchange makeup tip as
  • @JaimeB875 Hott Dang!!! Another MUA! Maybe we can exchange makeup tip as

    Tip # 1: Never use a sharpie to draw on eyebrows
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    @BitSlinger Thanks for the welcome!!! Maybe a deadline isn't such a good idea. But, do I actually have to eat less? Darn it!! :-)

    Yes, and this doesn't mean you can put lipstick on me and do my nails. Well, maybe just on special occasions.

    Actually, if you move more (a lot more), you can eat a little more. But we're talking "running up mountains" kind of moving.
  • @JaimeB875 Hott Dang!!! Another MUA! Maybe we can exchange makeup tip as

    Tip # 1: Never use a sharpie to draw on eyebrows

    Tip # 2: Or all purpose flour for under eye highlight
  • @BitSlinger Thanks for the welcome!!! Maybe a deadline isn't such a good idea. But, do I actually have to eat less? Darn it!! :-)

    Yes, and this doesn't mean you can put lipstick on me and do my nails. Well, maybe just on special occasions.

    Actually, if you move more (a lot more), you can eat a little more. But we're talking "running up mountains" kind of moving.

    Yeah, I converted you already. Real men get pedicures....haha

    I don't know about the "mountains"; how about running up the escalator to Starburcks for a Latte?
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    Another makeup artist here :) Feel free to add me if you like.