

  • SouthernGuns
    Yes, i only have 10lb weights right now are the Hevesy I have. I'm a stay at home mom so I work out from home.

    And like when I do chest press with 10lb db it's easy but when I do tricep ext lying I struggle. Also
    I mildly struggle with bicep curls. And rows are easy. So some I struggle and some I don't.

    And yes to you and others reading this thread. I also do squats but I'm limited as to the fact I have bad knees and
    Was told by doc to limit what I do. I can not do lunges or ill tear up stuff.

    But I do dead lifts sometimes.

    I'm about to start a cross fit routine. Outdoors with slam rope, sledge hammer and tractor tire and medicine ball.
  • SouthernGuns
    I also jog and jump on my kids trampoline. :-) but not everyday. But I do lift at least 4-5 times a week.
  • SouthernGuns
    Part of it I guess , I'm one of those if I'm not sore i don't feel I have done enough. That's why I ask, to see if its true or psychological about feeling that way.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    If you can only work out at home, then you might check out Yayog (You are your own gym) this is a great book and place to start this is completely made up of bodyweight exercises. It will benefit you greatly if you are lacking in equipment.
  • SouthernGuns
    Thanks ill give it a look.

    Yeh, I have a medi ball on the way, I also have a tractor tire and waiting on my sledge. I also have a wooden box to jump on. Lol slowly accumulating my own stuff. But it takes time.
  • SouthernGuns
    Ok so I've quoted 2 of you and it's not letting me quote. But I have Ansewer some of you. Sorry
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Thanks ill give it a look.

    Yeh, I have a medi ball on the way, I also have a tractor tire and waiting on my sledge. I also have a wooden box to jump on. Lol slowly accumulating my own stuff. But it takes time.

    If you have knee issues, I would strongly suggest discussing your Cross Fit plans with your doctor. The exercises you described (including box jumps) can be hard on knees.....sometimes worse than properly executed squats with perfect form.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Do you have legs? You need to work all of you body

    For example

    Rear foot elevated Dumbell split squat
    Goblet squats
    Dumbell lunges
    Dumbell thrusters
    Dumbell bent over rows
    Overhead press

    Google all of those

    ^Agree^ Yes, don't neglect legs.

    OP, Maybe for starters it's okay (I bet you can do better). No exercise is totally useless. Depends on your goals.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
  • Imabemee
    Yes, i only have 10lb weights right now are the Hevesy I have. I'm a stay at home mom so I work out from home.

    And like when I do chest press with 10lb db it's easy but when I do tricep ext lying I struggle. Also
    I mildly struggle with bicep curls. And rows are easy. So some I struggle and some I don't.

    And yes to you and others reading this thread. I also do squats but I'm limited as to the fact I have bad knees and
    Was told by doc to limit what I do. I can not do lunges or ill tear up stuff.

    But I do dead lifts sometimes.

    I'm about to start a cross fit routine. Outdoors with slam rope, sledge hammer and tractor tire and medicine ball.

    You have bad knees and were told to by a doc to limit what you do but you are going to start a crossfit routine? Have fun with that, do you think you're going to flip those tires with just your upper body?

    You might want to think about doing things like push ups and dips- I am going to go out on a limb and assume you weigh more than 10 pounds.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm about to start a cross fit routine. Outdoors with slam rope, sledge hammer and tractor tire and medicine ball.

    If you have bad knees be careful with is very joints intensive, box jumps, etc.. I used to do it, I liked it but it is easy for people to get hurt.

    You should be on a full body routine, even at home. There are plenty out there that require little in the terms of equipment.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It took me trying several different programs before I found one that worked for me. I think for beginners, this is a great one.

    Day 1: Squat, OHP, Pendlay Row

    Day 2: Bench, Deadlift, Leg Curls or Lunges

    This has been easy for me to follow as I can't dedicate certain days to the gym, but it's only a two day split and just a few compound lifts. As far as weight goes, I have found that starting with 50% weight for the first set of 5 is best. I can usually get in about 5 reps of my last set at max weight. Something I wish I would have started long ago rather high reps.

    I do change it up so it can be flexible... I do the rowing machine, lat pulldowns or bent over DB rows in place of the Pendlay rows. Today I did wall ball squats since I didn't have a squat rack.. Etc.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    If you are about to lift a tire, you use your legs to lift. I am confused why you can't go lunges and squats then.
  • SouthernGuns
    Yes I do legs to bit limited bc of knee problems. I get all areas.
    I guess I should have put everything lol sorry!
  • SouthernGuns
    It's not my knee joints it muscels in and around my knee area.
  • SouthernGuns
    I can lift things, hay bales , tires and things bc I also use my back doing that too and my arms to help, so all the pressure isn't just on my knees..
    Squats aggravate a major muscle above my knee it also aggravated my acl. and I was told by my doctor to never do lunges again. I can still squat but only 5-10( suggested un weighted) at a time and if I do have weights no more than 10 lbs. and also when I do flip tires and throw bales I have to frequently take breaks if I have any inkling of pain. About 1 month ago I did 20 squats just by the wall no weight and my muscle inflamed up and I was crying. It is only my left knee.

    Ps. Sorry I haven't been more informative and detailed on all the issue. :-/
  • SouthernGuns
    I'm sorry guys this post was supposed to be about how much is to much and how much isn't enough. And it's turning into a story about my knees. It's hard for me to explain I'm not my doctor. I had and injury in high school and it effects me to this day. The only things that aggravate my condition is lunges and TO MANY squats. I can do leg press. I know it sounds contradictory and resiculous and stupid but some things don't make since. Its my left knee the muscle directly over it. I've had to explain it to much on here and explain and explain. It's getting aggravating. It's a freak Injury and issue. And it makes me mad I can't do lunges because believe it or not I love them. I love them. But I can't do them. And no this isn't a load of crap it's true. I don't put direct pressure and leverage on that leg when I do hay bales n all that. Also I can climb stair all day and it don't aggravate it. I don't understand it either, it don't make no since to me and I know it makes NO since to y'all. But some things in this world have no explanation an sadly my left knee muscle is one of those tjings. Sorry I I have upset or made any of y'all mad or whatever. We all have our issues. But thanks for the comments that were actually relevant to what I was asking. It was just a curiouse topic. And now it's turning into a debate over my leg. I got good feedback and info. So thanks I appreciate it.