Hypothyroidism and weight loss

Are there any members out there who have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, who have successfully lost weight? Am I just not being disciplined enough? I log all my calories and excersize regularly with no results. Very frustrating! I feel like I'm stuck for life with the extra weigh I gained during the onset of this condition.


  • d0m_d0mxD
    d0m_d0mxD Posts: 4
    my mum has that condition, and even though she has it, her weight some times drops, and stuff....she doesn't really eat anything healthy, so i'm thinking that's why she isn't loosing weight. but be honest, my mums doctor knows about her condition, and keeps telling her to loose weight, so it must be possible?...
    you can try researching it on the internet, it cant be that you cant loose weight, with it...i mean, maybe you hit a plateau, or the exercise you are doing, isnt doing anything for you? i'm not an expepert on this, but maybe you should see a doctor...sometimes, if you are taking to little, or too much medicine for you thyroid, you can gain weight and stuff...but thats all i know...lol
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    I'm hypo and i fight for every ounce i lose! i log everything and of course i'm not perfect with what i eat but it has been a very slooooooow loss. It's taken nearly 6 months to lose 13lbs and i've lost nothing for 4 weeks now!! I won't give up! just keep on keepin on, but it is surely a frustrating feeling huh?
  • egwene1977
    egwene1977 Posts: 69
    I was hyper, and then had radiation and am now hypo. My doctor has told me to stop eating wheat...I'm not noticing much of a difference on the scales, but my clothes are fitting looser...it might be worth a try.
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    I too am hypo, it's a constant battle to lose anything, I believe it can be done, it just takes us longer to get there.
    Hang in there, and never give up :)
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I have Hashimoto's and I lost the weight. It took me a year and a half to lose the weight. I came off slowly 1-2 pounds a month.. I had to change so much to make it happen, but if you keep going it will come off. I have now been maintaining for 7 months. I gained a few back in the learning process but they came back off.

    For me I had to cut out almost all red meat. I still eat hamburger once a week in a very small portion, most of my protein comes from fish and seafood. When you look at my plate 3/4 of it is veggies then the rest is protein and bread (if we are having it that night, many nights we don't). I cut out alcohol, it is now a rare treat. I have a horrible sweet tooth so I found that instead of a dessert after dinner I have a small bowl of strawberries and fat free cool whip.

    I found a lot of foods that my body doesn't respond well too and I stay away from those as much as possible. I am also extremely salt sensitive, so I watch my sodium intake and try to never go over 2000 a day. I don't have a cheat day, it is just silly to work so hard all week then to blow it all in one day. Instead I have a meal or a dessert once or twice a month (date night usually) that I will splurge on.

    For exercise I run 3 miles (30 min) 4-5 days a week. I have tried running longer distance, but it doesn't do me any good, and shorter isn't enough of a workout. One day a week I will do ellipitcal to give my body a break from the pounding. This also helps to change things up.

    For my calories I don't change the amount that I eat every day. I keep it consistant and really that is when I started losing weight. I spoke with my doctor and she told me that for me I needed 1300-1500 a day, on a workout day or as maintainence. So I eat 1400 a day and use my exercise calories as my negative.

    If you have any questions please e-mail me, and good luck!!