How to lose 1kg in 1 week!

Hi guys,

I have been on my weight loss journey for a while and ive always changed in my mind what id like my goal weight to be. I realised that ive always allowed my choice to be affected my celebrities, or what my friends look like or family instead of what a healthy weight is!

im 5 foot 6 and now i know if I aim for 135lbs thats fair, i dont need to be 120 lbs because thats what is the 'ideal'. This has actually helped me control my diet more and actually shed pounds quicker. ive learnt to also focus on what I look like and not what the pound say!

whats you guys experience with this topic?

Ive also made a video about my current diet. Feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any tips!




  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    I just wanted to say that it's great that you're focusing on the weight you feel your body is best at, instead of where society thinks it should be. I watched your video and being the same height as you I can say I look about 20 lbs heavier, when I'm around 140 lbs right now! Every single person is different and body composition (muscle vs. fat ratio) also plays a huge role in how much you weigh vs. how you appear.