Stop the cravings for sweets

Takeitha18 Posts: 3
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I find myself addicted to sweets. I had started the slimfast diet and in the beginning it went very well, but as the days went by i wanted to start back eating the junk food that I had kicked out of my diet. How do I replace the junk food with something healthy but with the same equivalence when it comes to the sweetness. I want something sweet but want it to be healthy. HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!:cry:


  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    It's not easy for sure, especially when you are trying to get out of the bad habit. Mind over matter is one. Two, get fruit! Naturally sweet. I've also found that i really like the Fiber Antioxidant Bars. Very yummy and hit the chocolate spot. Like your sig says.... one day at a time and sometimes it's making it thru one meal at a time... but you can do this.... positive self talk!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I LOOOOVE sweets. Can't get enough. Put a brownie in front of me and I will drool like a dog. LOL! But I simply re-trained my taste buds. I gave up all sweets, etc, generally only get sugar from fruit, skip the diet sodas and artificial sweeteners and eating plenty of protein at every meal. I use stevia to sweeten my tea, etc, but otherwise skip all of the sugars.

    After doing this, I find I don't crave the sweets any more. I cannot keep sweet stuff in my house! I tried to keep a few ice cream bars for occasional treats, but I would eat the whole box in a few days! Now when I taste sweet stuff, I find it is TOO sweet and stop eating it.

    Lots of luck!!!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i buy the bag of dove dark chocolate promises. i eat one after my lunch ok sometimes 2 but no more than that, to satify my sweet craving. so far it has fulfilled my tempation.
  • EightDMB
    EightDMB Posts: 155 Member
    You should make the Weight Watchers Chocolate Haystacks (google it for the recipe). It's extremely easy, and satisfies that chocolate/crunchy desire.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    1) Try and buy healthier sweets, ie dark chocolate instead of milk (takes a little while to get used to if you don't usually eat dark chocolate). If you're a big ice cream eater try skinny cow or soy ice cream (so good!). Some grocery stores are also now selling little Hagen Daz or Ben & Jerry's containers that are like 200 cals and only cost a dollar. FiberOne granola bars are also super sweet but low cal and high fiber! They have a bunch of products that can actually sub for things like pop tarts. I also agree with the fruit thing.
    Oh, and I have a great recipe (if you can call it a recipe) for when you need a serious chocolate fix. Get a Jello instant sugar free chocolate pudding mix, use half of the milk it calls for (skim) and then mix in enough sugar free cool whip to make it light and fluffy. It's practically no calories and tastes amazing.
    2) Fill up on the good stuff so that over time you're body will start craving that instead of junk/sweet food. After years of processed, junky stuff your body gets conditioned and just needs to be retrained. I feel like it's kind fo learning a new language. You have to work at something for a while before it comes naturally.
  • kbecker40
    kbecker40 Posts: 3
    Dill pickles! It sounds crazy, but I heard this at a WW meeting...always have dill pickles around. When the craving for sweets comes up, have a pickle or 2...I am a diabetic sugarholic! The only thing that works is to go cold turkey on the sugar and avoid it or substitute. For me, there is no such thing as moderation. I wish you better luck and if you like pickles, try it!
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    I had to cut cold turkey for at least 2-3 weeks. It got everything out of my system and now its been 6 months and I rarely even think of sweets. Good luck to you.
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    Do you eat a lot of refined foods? i.e. white rice, white breads or pasta..etc. If so, you could be triggering sugar craving. Try to stick with whole wheat and lots of protien. I find that once I get started on the sweets, I can't stop with just one serving, so if you find that you can't limit yourself, keep them out of the house completely. Dr. Oz says its healthy to have 100 calories of dark chocolate per day. But only if you can limit yourself to just that. Good luck!
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Dill pickles! It sounds crazy, but I heard this at a WW meeting...always have dill pickles around. When the craving for sweets comes up, have a pickle or 2...I am a diabetic sugarholic! The only thing that works is to go cold turkey on the sugar and avoid it or substitute. For me, there is no such thing as moderation. I wish you better luck and if you like pickles, try it!

    I've heard about this too! :laugh:

    I just stopped buying junk food for myself. I think what motivates me is that I try to keep under the calorie limits. I'll look at a candy bar and see the astronomical amounts of carbs and it just turns me off entirely. Even Jolly Ranchers have like 15 carbs. ...for one piece.

    I buy the 60cal sugar free jello pudding cups (surprisingly its not bad!) and the 100 calorie pack snacks. Although, I'm finding the jello more satisfying and guilt-free.
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    I find that sweet eating is more of a habit than a craving. Try keeping a bowl of small cherry tomatoes nearby and pop one in your mouth when you feel the urge. They are really sweet and tasty right now
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member

    I, too, was "addicted" to sweets. For me, what worked was to take a couple of days (actually, I think I did 3) where I didn't even allow myself any artificial sweetener. I drank black coffee and tea (yuck), water (double-yuck), and ate nothing sweeter than a piece of fresh fruit. At the end of 3 days I was ready to scream at drinking anything else that was totally non-sweet, but after those days with nothing sweet in my mouth, fruit tasted SO good and SO sweet, where before it just didn't make the grade. Now I am back to using some sweetener, but I find I don't need as much and things do taste so much better.
  • LettyM62
    LettyM62 Posts: 130 Member
    I agree with NKK74, I also love, love sweets, but once I started incorporating more fruits and vegetables into my diet my cravings for sweets disappeared. When I first started with MFP I would reach for a piece of fruit instead of "sugary junk" and little by little my cravings dissapeared. That's not to say that I don't eat sweets anymore, I do on occassion, but not in large amounts.

    I really don't crave the sugar anymore, and I would have never believed that just replacing it with fruit would work, but it does for me!
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