Returning from Mexico and Getting Back On Track

I am currently in Mexico on vacation. I have had a blast down here and have tried to keep healthy (walking everywhere, drinking only water, swimming and small portions). However, I acknowledge that access to fresh fruits and vegetables has been a living nightmare - even cooked ones are rare. Portions are much smaller here in Mexico and the food is much fresher, which is a plus.

As a result I now find myself a bit blocked up, bloated and in desperate need of some detox upon retuning home - tomorrow. My body does NOT like all the starch, meat and cheese I've been exposed to. I am looking for some advice on how to "move things along" and get all this water weight off in a few days.


  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    You don't need a detox or a cleanse or anything magical or voodoo like.

    Get back to your routine of eating well, exercise and drink water water water!
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    When I got back from Mexico this summer I ate pears every day for a week. And water. :)
  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    Came back today, did my workout. Sweated a bunch. I'm still a bit backed up, hopefully things will move along.
  • celenachan
    celenachan Posts: 12 Member
    I just got back from a Mexico vacation two days ago, and I totally understand your pain! I enjoyed myself while I was there, but found that, other than fresh salsa, fresh vegis and fruit were so hard to find (especially in restaurants, where everything seemed to be drenched in butter!). Upon coming home, I resumed my regular routine (cardio/lifting), drank lots of water, and ate lots of fiber. Weight is back to pre-vacation and system is back to regular as well. Good luck!