Crossfit for weight loss?????

I went to crossfit while I was in college, it was convenient and I LOVED IT, it was my type of workout. For some reason after about 6 months of crossfit I quit thinking my body hadnt changed at all, but looking back it changed a lot. I have recently gained weight, I'm a 160 to 165lb 5'5'' female and am looking to get down into the 135 region and just feel better about myself. I am really considering going back to crossfit because I actually ENJOYED it and wanted to go all the time versus dreading going to the gym to run for an hour. Anyone have any advice on this? Will I need to incorporate other working out? I plan to work out at crossfit 4 days a week. Any advice is helpful!!!!!


  • keflexxxx
    keflexxxx Posts: 25 Member
    exercise you enjoy > exercise you don't enjoy

    this is more important that what burns more calories, or what increases muscle growth, or anything else. the best exercise you can do is exercise you want to do and will keep doing; there's no point having an "optimal" plan in place if you hate doing it. you'll probably give up at some point, and from a psychological perspective you lose a lot of the good aspects of getting fit.

    i have my own gripes concerning crossfit but they're mine, not yours. it's a good framework that can work wonders and crossfit boxes tend to always have a great environment. one thing i will say though is do your research. anyone can open a crossfit box and as such they run the gamete from good to terrible. if you pick one of the good ones, you'll go far.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Calorie deficit for weight loss.

    Crossfit (or whatever else) for fitness.

    Two different things.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It's sound like a cliche but weightloss depends on a calorie deficit. You can't out exercise a bad diet.

    That isn't saying that you shouldn't exercise but crossfit alone will not help you lose weight unless you are eating less than you are burning (through daily life and exercise).

    You don't need to incorporate more working out. 4 days a week crossfit is good. Just track your calories as well. Create a modest deficit (no 2 lb a week weight loss goal) and account for your extra activity.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    crossfit is better than running for preservation of LBM
  • ssarajosephine
    ssarajosephine Posts: 2 Member
    my trainer would say fatloss is about calories you are putting into your body, he would also say crossfit is a sport and NOT excercise and that it is very hard on the joints and muscle surrounding the joints. so far he has given me great advice!! i see him once a week i have a meal plan and routine for the days that i don't see him and i am nowhere near where i want to be but i am definitely making progress. Get a trainer!!!