Hello! Im new to here.

Hey Everyone. I am new. I am currently trying to lose weight not only to be healthy but also I'm looking forward to joining the military. I stay commited, but once in a while I lose motivation and have a slip day. I was hoping to make good friends who could help me stay motivated. I'm sort of a hopeless case, lol. :). Im a women with a heart of gold who just wants to be a good example.


  • ChrisLole24
    ChrisLole24 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey there!!! Feel free to add me. Anyone may add me actually. love friends on here to help hold me accountable. Best of luck to you =)
  • lafilledelarue
    lafilledelarue Posts: 66 Member
    Congratulations on starting afresh. You can achieve your goal one day at a time. :-)
  • Hey! Same with me, also anyone can feel free to add me as well. Thank you, best of luck to you too! :happy:
  • Thank you. That is true, and I believe I can. :)
  • myersfrench
    myersfrench Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I started myfitnesspal this summer and have lost 20 lbs so far (in 90 days) . It is easier than I thought. Upon the advice of my physician he told me the calorie intake to strive for, that would safely help me lose.
    I've been under a lot of stress lately and has thrown me into not eating as much, instead of my other bad habit of over-indulgence. I fear I will gain back weight once my stress subsides. But I plan on sticking with it.
    My husband and I also starting walking this summer, ( he's not counting calories, yet, haha) that has helped tremendously, especially when I've gone over my calorie count for the day. Plus the de-stress factor and time with my husband has been great. We are 90 day into it. I feel pretty proud of my accomplishments but am afraid I will gain it all back so I cringe when I am complimented on my weight loss. Because I think I will feel worse about myself if I gain it all back or more.
    I love the scanning option and all of the products already in the program.