Weird......but it really works!!!

I've been at this for almost 7 months now and have lost 35 pounds. I still have 11 more to go. Most of it was from watching my diet. But the last 7 pounds were the hardest to lose. It almost took 3 1/2 months to shed the last 7 pounds that I have lost.

My diet consist of low fat dairy, fruits, veggies, fish and chicken. I try to stay away from rice, potato, bread, pasta and anything else that falls in that food group. It's been working great, but the last 3 1/2 months has been slow going. So I changed it up a bit.

I tried to confuse my body by eating one "bad" meal per day. Not a "cheat meal", just a small portion of the stuff that I've stayed away from for almost 7 months. And It works. The weight started coming off fast again. So one meal per day, I'll have a small piece of pizza or a half of chicken sandwich from Mcdonal's. Last night I had a taco. These are foods that I have ommited from my lifestyle and to be able to introduce them again (in small portions) is wonderful. I even had a cup of cooked pasta with sauce and the weight keeps coming off!

It's all in moderation, I stay within my calorie goal, eat awesome food, and lose weight fast again! My body needed a changed. So when you've been eatting right and working out and the scale is moving too slow.....go out for pizza, or have half a donut, or order a Big Mac, or have some pasta!!!! Shock your system, it really works!


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    awesome - and that you are only 11 pounds from goal is even more awesomer!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Not the first time i've heard this, glad it works but i don't think i could stop at 1 slice of pizza
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I totally know what you are saying! I have been keeping myself at 1200 cals for the last year (july 2009), not eating exercise cals, working out 5 times a week.. and then I got down to the last 10 lbs and I thought, well here goes the worst of the worst.. I actually upped my cals to about 1350/day and took 2.5 weeks off from exercising (it's been a year! I deserved it!).. I lost another 5 lbs! WHAT!?!

    I think my body is thanking me.. lol.. I have 5 more lbs to go...
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I had the same revelation LOL.
    I was really strict on my diet and wasn't losing weight. I was craving a donut, so I went out and bought and ate a donut. I had lost almost a full pound the next morning and kept it off ever since.
    I've found that if I have a cheat meal (or even a cheat heavy snack - has to be more than 100 cals) once or twice a week it actually facilitates my weight loss.