Help!! Im new to this....

I have recently starting on My fitness pal and in need of some advice/help.

I seem to be going over on my carbs and not eating enough calories?
Are there any foods that don't contain carbs, and I need to know whats good for using up my calories.

I thank you in advance for your help.


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Your meats are heavy in protein no carbs. Fish, poultry, and pork are also low in fat. You're welcome to peek at my menu for ideas (this week I was high on carbs so you may need to go back a week). My dinners tend to be more protein than the others. Good luck!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    If you are going over on carbs because of fruits and vegetables I certainly wouldn't worry over that as much if it was because of breads/ pastas, rices, etc..., so consider your source first. Feel free to check out my food diary if it would help.
  • nicolepope11
    Definitely watch the obvious, breads, pastas, etc. I was shocked to see that watermelon has a ton of carbs in it. I never would have thought, but it does. Track where the carbs are coming from and then re-evaluate. Yogurt also has a decent amount of carbs, again surprisingly (well at least to me).
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I would definitely focus more on lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. You can't go wrong with them. The most important thing is to eat REAL food and keep within your calorie goal for the day. The protein will help you not to lose muscle mass.
  • shae123
    shae123 Posts: 26
    Your fruits and breads/pastas are going to fill up your carb total...try eating a lowfat cheeses stick instead. Foods that are high in protein tend to have less carba :)