Stupid-face gym people



  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    Yeah. I never quite feel welcome over near the free weights. Since there are always stupid *kitten* over there who just want to flex for each other. I'm seriously considering quiting my gym and doing kickboxing cko. I did the starter class and I really liked it. Not to mention I feel like I wasn't being physically challenged enough by my current work out.

    Its incredibly hard to get on some of the machines since you either have to fight with the "bros" to get over there or you get looks -- like "whats this "female thing" doing over here?!!

    lol. I like my gym. But I can't stand the bros.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Get an Ipod - find what music makes you get AMPED. TURN IT UP!!

    Here's a scenario:

    So Metallica's Master of Puppets is loud enough in my ears for the guy next to me to sing along (I know thats a lil rude too, but we all have our hangups, right?) Young punk in tank top (to show off his skinny lil arms) with hat sideways (this is another MAJOR peeve of mine - Hats can be worn two ways - brim front to shield your eyes from the sun, or to the back if you're a catcher or if its cloudy - SIDEWAYS = NFG because its STOOOOOPID - wtf? is the sun on your left all day? idiots...)

    Punk: "How many sets you got left?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "How many sets you got left, bro?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "Bro, can you take your buds out so you can hear me? (or something like that - I had my music up so I couldnt hear him!!)
    Me: "What???"

    Works EVERY time! Also good for. "Bro can you give me a spot on this bench press with waaaaay too much weight on that I have no business trying to lift?"


    All Smiles over here.....LOVES me some Master of Puppets!!

    Oh yah, I see the kids who flex in the mirror for 80% of their "Workout" They make me giggle!! Once watched a young man (and he looked in great shape, I must admit) literally stare at himself in the mirror for an HOUR - he did three sets of curls, all with too much weight, all with crappy form - and the kicker? His girlfriend? She did ZERO sets, but was standing next to him fawning over him the WHOLE time (In workout attire too)!! His eyes were glued to the mirror; her eyes were glued to him...for an HOUR!! NO ****!! She gave me a dirty look when I got off the Spin Bike and dared to pass between them and their precious mirror....I paused dead in front of them, smiled, dripped a lil sweat on the floor, and flipped down my play list to Metallica...And Justice for All this time....TURN IT UP!!!

    Life is GOOOD!!

    That's equally as rude. If someone doesn't take a hint after the first what- you're the *kitten* for not pulling your ear plugs and actually talking to him. It's rude to flat out ignore someone like that. And it's rude to not answer a perfect legitmete question about how many sets you have- or if you can help with a spot.

    OP some people are just loud- there is a woman at my gym who just has "that voice" it drives me insane- I actually will move away from her because it drives me nuts- she yells all her conversations- which is annoying because I've heard her talk in other places with no harm no foul. Shrug - it is what it is. Some people are just loud- invest in some head phones- like everyone else.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    thanks for the replies :)

    as for earbuds, I always have them with me but mainly use them on the treadmills/machines/etc. When in the weight room, my wife and I need to be able to communicate. she's still learning form. Also, we will call out (in normal conversation voices, not yelling across the room to the person 5 feet away) if we need help with a lift, or are offering a bit of encouragement. All of that is normal and perfectly acceptable. But it doesn't need to be done so loudly as to bother other people. We're in that gym 3x per week, every week (occasionally more) and I've never seen these bros before. Normally there is the expected din of grunts, weights, conversation, etc... but this was much louder, unnecessarily disruptive and definitely out of the "norm". And they weren't just encouraging each other... they were gabbing. Loudly, if I haven't made that point clear yet :)

    It reminded me of 15+ years ago, back in high school in the football/powerlifting weight room. I think these guys may just be new college students who don't yet know or care how adults act around each other. We do live in a college town with two universities and over 80k students between them. If I run into them again, and they're equally rude, I'll probably say something.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and sharing your experiences. I'm going to go watch some BroScienceLife videos on youtube to cleanse the bro palette.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    They could be doing a lot worse. At least they aren't harassing women or breaking machines. Sounds like they are being really positive with each other and it's working for them. Any public place you go, you have to deal with other people. I've learned to just put my head down and focus on what I'm doing. Every now and then, I'll just quietly chuckle to myself when people are being that ridiculous. No point stressing out.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    The gym I patronize has signs with rules of ettiquette where loud disruptive actions and dropping weights are disallowed and people are generally fairly civilized. Sometimes you just have to ignore people (especially when they seem to be begging for attention). When they get no attention (positive OR negative) it can sometimes discourage them whereas glaring at them just seems to motivate them to even worse behavior.
  • StephanieMM2013
    That's so obnoxious. One think I'm dreading about the gym... The "feminine hygeine products" haha. I'll be blasting my music as well as wearing a forward facing cap to avoid eye contact.

    Sounds like you were able to get a good workout in anyways, good job!
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Punk: "How many sets you got left?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "How many sets you got left, bro?"
    Me: "What??"
    Punk: "Bro, can you take your buds out so you can hear me? (or something like that - I had my music up so I couldnt hear him!!)
    Me: "What???"

    So you'd rather be looked at as the rude person who hogs all the equipment and annoys everyone around them by doing that and having their music so loud I can sing along to it (that's not good for your ears btw. Good luck when you're deaf!)? It's a gym. You're supposed to share. I've asked people if they were done with equipment/how many sets they had left because I wanted to use it when they were done and they have nicely told me and vice versa. No need to be a dink about it.
    Also good for. "Bro can you give me a spot on this bench press with waaaaay too much weight on that I have no business trying to lift?"

    What if the guy really needed a spot? It works both ways too. I'd love to be there watching you walk around the gym trying to get someone to spot you or let you work in a set but no one lets you. :flowerforyou:

    Yes there are things that are annoying at the gym and things that make you go :huh: when you see people there. I get annoyed with loud talkers and just laugh when I see the 'bro's' there because they think they're awesome but they look like idiots but unless it's directly effecting my own workout in the respects that they see me using equipment and they just take it away from me I do my own thing, mind my own business, get in get it done and get out.

    Honestly if I let every thing that people did out there annoy me I'd never leave the house!!

    Two quick things in response:

    1) I dont hog machines - Im four sets and out, and actually, Im more likely in a spin class than anywhere else...

    2) If Im in the middle of my set work, Im not available to spot anyone for anything - also, no spotters required for me - If I want to lift heavy I find a partner before I start...makes it easier.

    Otherwise, Im not as rude as you think...promise!! :) For the most part, I get in, get it done, and get out....just like most of the people I share the weight room with.....
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    This is one of the best things about practicing and working out in a fighter/grappling/MMA gym, on the incredibly rare occasion anyone shows up throwing around a lot of stupid swagger and being inconsiderate... they get owned on the mats by a guy (or better yet a girl) half their size then either shut up or disappear.

    It's worse when the douchenozzles would camp the benches or squat rack for an hour at a time, 2% lifting / 98% talking.
  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    I'm so glad that the gym I go to doesn't allow that kinda crap - when you sign up & you have to sign the contract thing there's a clause about no posing etc, they'll just kick you out for that kinda obnoxious behaviour.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I wake up way to early for the bros to be at the gym at the same time as me so in really thankful for that. I just have two other sets of really annoying people at mine.

    1. The female not so lifters invading the free weight area. Now, I'm not talking about the women that actually come to te free weights to get their **** done. Im talking about the ones that will come over and for example walk in between the benches while you are working. Like trying to finish sets of dumbell press and almost drop it on my face as I see this massive *kitten* come inches away from my hand whike its going up. Only to finish the set to see her doing air squats with no weights less than a foot in front of my bench. Or yesterday one set a yoga mat in between two bench presses. I couldn't believe my eyes when she did that. What the hell are you thinking? Do you really want your face crushed in? There's an ENTIRE separate room for the **** you are doing. I've contemplated several times just letting a dumbell off to the side as a warning shot.

    I do enjoy the female lifters though :) but I'm not the creepy guy who stares. And yeah, if you have a nice *kitten* then feel free to do air squats inches away from me but please make sure I'm between sets for the eye candy.

    2. The jerk offs that set up an entire crossfit circuit across half the gym. Not only do they always end up hogging a crap ton of stuff at once, it can throw you off as you see some *kitten* sprint by you out of nowhere when your lifting. Not to mention I've seen someone's foot almost explode as a gym crossfit ter not a crossfit gym almost drop a weight she had no business lifting on someone foot as she did this thing that somehow was suppossed to be farmers walks.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Almost forgot the third type we have. The insecure couples who sort of lift together. The kind that follow each other around the entire place and just take up space. There's absolutely no reason for you to stand there while your girl does lunges for 15 minutes just looking miserable until its your turn to do a completely separate lift across the gym. Likewise there is no reason for you to sit there while your man is doing squats. It's not a swingers club. No one is going to grab your girl or your man if you are not in a 3 foot radius of them at all times.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    I work out at the Marine Corp gym. So you can imagine the things I hear from them.
  • just_Jennie1
    Almost forgot the third type we have. The insecure couples who sort of lift together. The kind that follow each other around the entire place and just take up space. There's absolutely no reason for you to stand there while your girl does lunges for 15 minutes just looking miserable until its your turn to do a completely separate lift across the gym. Likewise there is no reason for you to sit there while your man is doing squats. It's not a swingers club. No one is going to grab your girl or your man if you are not in a 3 foot radius of them at all times.

    There's a couple of young people at our gym like that except she follows him around and does nothing.

    My husband and I work out together but we are doing the same workout so if we're using the cable machine and one side is occupied or when we're doing lat pull downs or anything that doesn't involve free weights while he's doing his lifts I'm resting and vice-versa (I know that's not what you're talking about. At least I hope not).

    And also: You don't know a lot of swingers do you? Trust me. They aren't going to just grab someone and run off with them. They have a lot more manners than that. :smile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    age, we all grow up/
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Hilariously written - and so true. You had me nodding in agreement and falling out of my chair laughing at the same time.
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    I hate D-bags like that. *facepalm*
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    We have a guy who purposefully lets out loud girlish screams every time he lifts. I don't really care about grunts, I've let them out before during particularly tough lifts.. but you can tell it's on purpose because him and his bro's giggle every time. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't every day he does this.. you'd think the joke would get old by then right?

    Then this one girl who we try to avoid followed me and my gym partner around the gym telling us that we were pressing too much on the leg press and we would blow our knees out (completely not true..) and even took a picture of us and put it on facebook without our knowledge. Even creepier is that when she took the picture we didn't even know she was there, let alone taking pictures of us! Then to put it on facebook? Weirdo.

    Of course I'm far from the perfect gym goer, I've done a few things to annoy people I'm sure.. lol
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    And also: You don't know a lot of swingers do you? Trust me. They aren't going to just grab someone and run off with them. They have a lot more manners than that. :smile:

    Nah, don't really know swingers...and also, the following around doing nothing thing you mentioned is EXACTLY what I am talking about.
  • NeverCatchYourBreath

    Finally I hate guys who do not remove weights from the smith machine after using it. Usually its the younger guys that do this.

    Not at mine. It's the people that think the rules don't apply to them, regardless of gender.

    Why are you using a smith machine in the first place?
  • just_Jennie1
    And also: You don't know a lot of swingers do you? Trust me. They aren't going to just grab someone and run off with them. They have a lot more manners than that. :smile:

    Nah, don't really know swingers...and also, the following around doing nothing thing you mentioned is EXACTLY what I am talking about.

    It is annoying. Especially because this particular girl takes up space.