Some (possibly helpful) thoughts on getting started

Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
:smile: Firstly .....Stop obsessing about the whole weight loss thing!

I live in the UK, I am over 60 years old with years of weight loss and gain and too many diets to count behind me. But this time it's for health reasons - Osteo-arthritis being one of them. I had over 60lbs to lose - I have lost 33lbs so far with 28lbs to go to be at my target.

So here it is....

I eat anything I want, when I want...

BUT.....I only eat small portions especially of things that have high calorie/ no nutritional value. I log everything I eat...I use a side plate instead of a dinner plate which ensures I eat smaller portions......I do a moderate amount of exercise.

If you deny yourself chocolate for example, you'll only want it more so have ONLY 1 or 2 squares.

It's all about re-thinking your eating habits - looking at portion control - find something to occupy you (both mind and hands) when you are alone or at your 'danger times'...learn to recognise when these are.

I wish losing weight could be like stopping smoking but unfortunately you can't give up food so you have to realign your thinking.

Make sure you set yourself a proper calorie allowance, too few will not help you lose and will be almost impossible to stay within and stay healthy - the goals on your profile will help you - and use ALL your calorie allowance. Log your exercise and use at least HALF of these calories.

Don't see food in terms of how much exercise you will have to do - we all need around 1300+ calories a day just to exist....even if we didn't move a muscle.

Don't get obsessed by the calories in specific food some essential foods have a fairly high calorific value but also have essential nutrients. Many low calorie foods have no nutritional value either. High calories do not necessarily mean 'bad'. Your food diary will tell you the nutritional values - just try to stay within the fat/ sugar/ salt etc amounts.

Don't keep getting on the scales. Your weight can fluctuate by a couple of pounds in a few hours and by 4lbs in a day. Weigh yourself if you must but on the same scales at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes, on the same day ONCE A WEEK. Bear in mind that if you have to be weighed anywhere else it will show a different weight....DO NOT PANIC about this.

It isn't an easy journey but slow and steady wins the day. Just keep a picture in your mind of how you want to look and the size you want to be. Set yourself small goals and reward yourself when you reach them...if the reward is a cake, so be it - just fit it into your calorie allowance on that day.

Finally - DON'T get obsessed, upset or think you have 'failed' if you happen to go over the 'allowance totals' on one day - you haven't failed - just don't do it every day.

If I can do it, you can........


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I thought about writing something similar to this myself. :smile:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    The only thing I would say regarding food and calories is this.

    Try to eat more of your food that is as close to the natural state as possible......and try to avoid processed foods.

    When shopping, stay on the outside of the store for the bulk of your food, and limit your trips down the aisles. :wink:
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    The only thing I would say regarding food and calories is this.

    Try to eat more of your food that is as close to the natural state as possible......and try to avoid processed foods.

    When shopping, stay on the outside of the store for the bulk of your food, and limit your trips down the aisles. :wink:

    Totally agree ....usually the more processed the food...the higher the calories and the lower the nutritional value. I buy from farm shops as much as possible, I prepare 95% of my food at home ....I like to know exactly what I'm putting in my body.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Excellent write-up. I hope that those who are just starting read this and realize it isn't an overnight process and to stay calm if they don't see loss constantly. There are many factors at work...water retention, effects of too much salt in the diet, developing muscle which changes the shape but doesn't necessarily show on the scales, and so much more. Those that want the quick fix or the fast results would benefit from reading your thoughts. The ultimate goal is a healthier weight and change in lifestyle so it becomes a permanent change in our lives.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    For me it is about tracking what I eat which was a big step. Also learning and adjusting to meet my nutritional needs. It has helped because I'm not just unconciously grabbing a leftover out of the fridge when I get home from work to tide me over til meal time. It's a bit of work tracking but for me it's worth it.
  • The only thing I would say regarding food and calories is this.

    Try to eat more of your food that is as close to the natural state as possible......and try to avoid processed foods.

    When shopping, stay on the outside of the store for the bulk of your food, and limit your trips down the aisles. :wink:

    Totally agree! I am trying to avoid the "low fat, low calorie" ready meals and stocking up on fruit and veg and fresh meat and cooking from scratch, on paper its more calories but it has so many more nutrients and protein and less salt!
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Well said
  • thanks for sharing. love the small plate tip
  • missionimposs
    missionimposs Posts: 53 Member
    Really enjoyed reading this post !!! As I am struggling at the moment and this has really helped to put things into perspective for me thank you for such good advice!!!:flowerforyou:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    get off the computer and get your butt outside,
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Great post! Diets end... Keeping at a good weight is forever! I can't imagine never having a bite of pizza or cake again! I have had several over the last 14 months and I'm still down 184... The world didn't stop when I ate a hot dog or ate pie. For those newcomers, log it, own it and make it work for you not against you. Don't go hunt it down, but when its there have a little and log it. Then burn it off and eat well the rest of the week or the majority of the week and you'll be fine! I find myself still eating quite a bit of food but its usually high in micro nutrients and low in calories. The goal is to make better and better choices with eating and realizing that you will have the occasionally calorie dense food. If you plan you can succeed! Fail to plan and you plan to fail...
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    bump to save!

    Thanks for sharing
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    get off the computer and get your butt outside,

    That is certainly part of the process - but if you don't put the correct fuel in the engine won't run.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Thank you so much. I am inspired by your posting.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    Very motivating,
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    Oh.....and don't freak out if you have a small gain occasionally. You are not a failure and the world won't end. It can happen for many reasons and so long as it's just occasional, you just jump right back 'on the wagon' and keep going.
  • Babst500
    Babst500 Posts: 2 Member
    Excellent advice. I've been around the block this past year trying to lose weight and not doing a good job of it. Too many diet ideas to try, and losing focus along the way. After talking to the staff at my doctor office, (they love MFP) I am sticking with MFP, maintain food dairy, achieve my caloric and macronutrient limits.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    Bumping this up the forum
  • I am 61 years old and trying to lose weight AGAIN. I want to be healthy for my grandkids and myself. I want to lose 65 pounds, but would be happy with 50. It is hard to stay motivated as I do not run around like I use to. I do like to exercise and am trying to get that going again also. I truly want this but I find I am my own worst enemy.
    Any thoughts?:
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    I am 61 years old and trying to lose weight AGAIN. I want to be healthy for my grandkids and myself. I want to lose 65 pounds, but would be happy with 50. It is hard to stay motivated as I do not run around like I use to. I do like to exercise and am trying to get that going again also. I truly want this but I find I am my own worst enemy.
    Any thoughts?:

    Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated. Just think about those grandkids and how they will love it when Grandma can join in activities with them. Stick their photos on the fridge door to remind you.

    Imagine what you will look like when you lose the weight and the clothes you might wear.

    You want to be healthy for your grandkids but you also need to do this for YOU...because YOU are worth doing this for.

    You CAN do this....just believe in yourself
