Half way to goal with progress pics...

I figured since I am a little over half way of my goal weight that I'd finally post in here. I really didn't expect to get this far so quickly as I have tried and failed more times than I can keep count of. This time I seem to have the hang of it and am happy with my new life style, it is something I am able to keep up with and I don't feel deprived. I still have bad days every now and then but I don't beat myself up over it.

Just keeping track of calories and moving around more really does work, and it really is easy to do! I'm down 30 pounds since May 21st!!

Sometimes a couple of weeks go by and I don't lose anything and this would be the point in my previous attempts at losing where I would just get lazy or discouraged and give up...NOT THIS TIME!!

The best part? My husband has joined the MFP wagon and is also down like 15 pounds!! I'm very proud of him!

Here is my progress pic with a 27.5 pound difference.



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