
hill242 Posts: 412 Member
I'm not new to MFP but I've recently taken a "break" from my efforts to lose weight. I am back on the bandwagon now as the saying goes, and I was wondering if there are any other Crossfitters here trying to lose weight, too. I'd like to friend you if so. I'm 30 years old and looking to drop about 25 pounds.


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    yep! I'm aiming at 35 pounds.
    I CrossFit 3 days a week, run 1 mile 7 days a week, and have a personal trainer 1 day a week.
    The running is in anticipation of improving my endurance.

    I love my CrossFit "box" - they offered a 1 month fundamentals course, each WOD is combined with learning a new skill/strength, as well as a complete warm up - so a 60 minute class,
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My triathlon coach is a Crossfit coach and works out of a Crossfit gym so my training plans includs a lot of Crossfit and Crossfit-like workouts. I love it!

    I'm currently taking a break now because I injured my calf and a lot of the workouts work the lower body including the legs so they bug it. The only thing I can do now is swim and bike and only LSD-type workouts (no Temp or HIIT work) and it's killing me.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    @mojogurl: Sounds like a nice setup at your box. Ours is pretty raw and we have a wide variety of people that come in. I usually follow the main site and work on skills as I see the need. I sent a friend request. It looks like our goals are similar and you've already lost 20 pounds! That is a great start.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    @MacMadame: I hate when I get an injury that prevents me from full use of my body. I get pretty angsty, but so far I've luckily avoided any major injuries. What was your background before getting into triathlons? Did you bike a lot? Runner? I am a mountain biker, then I started running a lot more with Crossfit, so I am thinking of trying a "dirty" duathlon. I would need a _lot_ of swimming practice before I'd do a tri, but I'm not sure I'd think it was worth it. Maybe after I do a few duathlons....
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My background is couch potato. :laugh:

    I did figure skate -- ice dancing in particular -- for about a decade before that but I wasn't very good at it and I eventually got frustrated and quit a couple of years ago. Then I did nothing for a long time. I started training for my first tri last Dec. when I still had about 50 pounds to lose.

    My favorite parts of a tri are swimming and biking. But I worked a lot on my running and it became my best event before I got injured. I have to be careful with running though as I tend to get injured doing it - like this time!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Tonight is class - I usually protein load on my crossfit days, so having steak and eggs for breakfast this morning.

    LOL at the couch potato comment MacMadame! Hope your injury is short lived and you can get back to training soon. I had a small injury recently (broke my toe) and while I was still able to train, having to find alternatives was frustrating - especially when you have a goal in mind!

    Hill - the 20 lost was part of a quick 13 I suddenly packed on last summer. I had gone to my annual physical check up and was explaining to my doctor that I was having a lot of difficulty losing weight. She wasn't very sympathetic (she's pretty heavy herself) and Rx'd a high cardio program and put me on 1600-1800 calorie diet. In 3 months I gained 13 pounds. She finally listened and when an endo saw me he immediately put me on meds for insulin resistance.

    Still a year later and I managed to reset my ticker to my "original starting weight" of 190 (from last summer). Again, still struggling to lose weight even with everything I do - .2 here, .5 there... nothing significant, but better than nothing at all I suppose.

    okay - need to caffeinate and get butt-in-gear. Have a great day!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    Well I am not a member of a crossfit gym since we have our own gym here at the station. We do utilize alot of WOD's and do other crossfit style workouts. A couple of guys go to a local crossfit gym on their two days off and bring some of that knowledge back here. I love the challenges represented by the workouts. I come from a power lifting/bodybuilding lifestyle concerned mainly with how much weight I could lift for any given exercise. Since switching to more bodyweight crossfit style exercises, I am leaner and more defined than I have ever been! I dont have the strength that I did before, but when I only lifted heavy I rcould only run a mile at 6.0 mph and was done. Now I run the first mile at 8.0 mph and keep going! I am 37 years old now, and in my profession I realized that its now about longevity and endurance, to be able to keep working out as long as I want and set an example for these guys in their twenties who have a hard time keeping up! Anywhoo, saw your post and wanted to let ya know I am here also.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    One of the things my triathlon coach has us do is a heavy strength day about 5 days out from our race. It's suppose to spike our HGH. So I did that on Monday -- probably should have done it Sunday, but I did an open water swim race that day and was too sore from that. I haven't done anything since because then you are supposed to taper.

    But the race was yesterday so I am looking forward to getting back into it this week.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Back to it tonight. "dreading" the WOD, but still looking forward to going and getting a sweat on.

    I actually didn't end up going last Friday - my body was burnt out. I did 2 crossfit days, and two days with my trainer and 1 day short 1 mile jog on my treadmill. The whole day Friday my bones were achey and I was tired, so I took that as a cue to stay home and recover.

    Back to it this week, need to find a better pace. I have 3 days reserved for XFit, and 1 day with my trainer. I want to fit in 1 mile/day, to increase my endurance, but I'm finding it very taxing. Any ideas?
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Have you looked at the Crossfit Endurance program?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Ya, that sounds a little too intense for my already intense workouts..
    My Xfit classes include usually an 800 m run or 1000 m row as part of the warm up, then we do a strength/skill and then the WOD.
    When I workout with my trainer, we focus on cardio intervals with core & plyometrics
  • fithappy
    Crossfitting is great. Sad thing is I had to stop going to my crossfiting facility and take up a part-time job on top of my full-time job so have let myself go in the last 4 months.

    I just got back on the fitness wagon today and did my Level 1 - 30 Day Shred and think this is a good place to start but want to get back into the crossfitting and know it is easy enough to do it at home as you only need a few tools at home to make it work. It is just having the willpower and the support and it looks like this is a great site to get the support as I truly have not found a friend that would like to stick with me on my fitness adventures!

    I would be up for any challenge that you put out there!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Last night WOD was 4 rounds of Body Weight squats (max rep) & KTE (max rep). Of course I can't squat my body weight yet - but squatted 89 pounds. I could probably have gone heavier, but one shoulder is not very flexible and I have trouble holding onto the bar when it's across my back.

    The Skill/Strength was 3 max rep push press (97 pounds for me last night)

    I got home, applied myoflex to my shoulder, followed by the magic bag. It not too sore this morning. Peak soreness is usually 48 hrs after initial workout. Hope not - I'm back tomorrow!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Yeah, I always feel it 2 days later too.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Surprisingly okay today! I bought some ICY HOT Patches for my shoulder, applied myoflex to my thigh - and other than a little tenderness in my my lower back - I'm not crippled today :drinker:
    At least I won't die a second slow death at tonight's XFit class!

    (I'm always anxious the whole day leading up to class hoping/praying I can do the WOD without making a total *kitten* of myself! :laugh: )
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Great WOD last night - mostly muscle based, but still got my HR up to 188!

    3 rounds of
    8 muscle snatch (35 lb)
    10 ring dips
    12 kettlebell swings (16 kg)
    TIME: 5:57

    I'm a little tired this morning, and I have my trainer coming this afternoon. I think I want to hit it hard on cardio and plyo today.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    This WOD was pukeworthy! :sick: :glasses:

    "Tabata Something Else"
    8 rounds/20 secs on/10 secs off
    Pull Ups
    Push Ups
    Sit ups

    worst thing now - I have to find 2000 calories to eat! I'm waaaaaaaay below my calories today :noway:
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    This WOD was pukeworthy! :sick: :glasses:

    "Tabata Something Else"
    8 rounds/20 secs on/10 secs off
    Pull Ups
    Push Ups
    Sit ups

    worst thing now - I have to find 2000 calories to eat! I'm waaaaaaaay below my calories today :noway:

    Gotta love it. What'd you score?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'll find out tomorrow (if I go) - there were 7 of us so he didn't add it up fast enough.

    Since I can't do a pull up and our box doesn't believe in bands - I did the ring rows instead.
    I did girlie push ups, but not tabletops
    I crushed the sit ups (between 11-13 each round)
    I felt I crushed the squats too - about 13 each round.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Checking in with my fellow XFitter's to see how they are doing! How's training?
    My XFit box introduced a 9:30 a.m. class on M-W-F, which works out beautifully for my schedule, so I started going to those instead of the evening classes. It's with a different trainer, I like her style a little better plus she has a banging body, which gives me a lot of enthusiasm for the pain I endure :wink: :laugh:

    I was so disappointed on Monday - I weighed in and was +1.8 pounds. I kept going over everything in my mind wondering how I could've gained so much when my diet was pretty spot on (and clean - very little alcohol for the week!) and my training was great.

    Anyway, it was 1 day after TOM finished, I decided not to update my weight here on MFP. On Tuesday I stepped on my scale - a hugely rare thing for me because I never weigh myself as it is, and guess what? I was down 3.2 pounds from my original weight! :bigsmile: AND I busted the 180's finally!!!

    Tomorrow is my annual physical. I'm not so psyched to go, but happy to see my endocrinologist. I'm hoping I will be able to tweak my meds a little. I'm finding that all my weight loss efforts are super slow, and I'm not sure how to fix it. It's not that I want 3.2 loss every week, but I think with the work I'm doing I should be seeing steady progress and not these pocket losses :huh: