Lesbian AND Fat...tough combo



  • I agree 100% with you...If the lady is making these comments now they are not going to stop. When you are smaller she will just find something else to complain about. I say do it for your self because usually what will happen is if you lose the wight for her and then she leaves you may just put it right back on again and then you will be way unhappy! Do everything for you. You need to take care of you first before you can assist anyone. That is why in a plane they tell you with those dumb little mask to take care of you first then the child next to you!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    You need to do this for yourself! I have come to see that no matter what you look like your love will still look at others if they are that type of person. Your beautiful the way you are and if you want to make yourself happy be with someone who loves you for you and not your size. (I am the pot calling the kettle black right now, but still...)

    Good luck on the weight loss! :heart:
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I am shooting for losing 100 pounds and am having plastic surgery on my arms in October. So my big hope is she'll be looking at me on the cruise next year and not all the hotties in bikinis!

    I'm not the sharpest knife kids... have I been living under a rock? What is "plastic surgery on your arms"? Like liposuction for your arms? If yes, what's the pro to this, as opposed to just good old exercise? Owwie... just thinking about that makes me cringe! :smile:
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