Would you mind looking at my diary and advising me?



  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    And thus ends the refreshing lack of snark.

    Busted! :bigsmile:
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    I lost about 18lbs in about 8 weeks and have now plateaued.

    Apart from at weekends, I don't eat much processed food and I eat a lot of fresh veggies. I don't drink either.

    From reading other similar posts, I know that I don't drink enough water (I don't log it at all) and that more water can increase weight loss. So I know this would help.

    BUT.... Any other comments/ feedback that anyone could give me on my food and exercise diary would be gratefully received.

    Hi! congrats on your loss! Are u also taking measurements of your body? just reading the other day in another thread someone has remained at the same weight for weeks but lost 2 sizes in clothes! Hope this helps somehow!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    And thus ends the refreshing lack of snark.

    Busted! :bigsmile:

    We all have our moments. :laugh:
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    this is my new favorite link for all things plateau:


    It covers all of the common problems with why the weight isn't coming off. Another good one to use for plateaus is this one:


    I respectfully disagree that plateaus are "natural" or simply "part of the deal". There are reasons why a given intake is no longer allowing you to lose weight... but if you remain at the same weight for more than a week, you're probably no longer eating at a deficit. Remember that the number of calories you need to eat to lose weight isn't defined by MFP or some other online calculator. Check out those links, put them to practice, and you will lose weight.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    this is my new favorite link for all things plateau:


    It covers all of the common problems with why the weight isn't coming off. Another good one to use for plateaus is this one:


    I respectfully disagree that plateaus are "natural" or simply "part of the deal". There are reasons why a given intake is no longer allowing you to lose weight... but if you remain at the same weight for more than a week, you're probably no longer eating at a deficit. Remember that the number of calories you need to eat to lose weight isn't defined by MFP or some other online calculator. Check out those links, put them to practice, and you will lose weight.

    Possibly a matter of semantics. Long-term true plateaus, maybe so. But people use the word so lightly. "I haven't lost for one week - I've hit a plateau" - but on day 8 lose three pounds.

    This was my experience over the last week and a half or so. Hormonal, water retention - weight actually went up (per the scale anyhow) almost four pounds. I just kept doing what I was doing and end up not only back to where I was, but a 4.6 pound loss!

    Given that the OP only joined in July and notes eight weeks of losses, I believe it's a real possibility that it's something more along that line.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Thanks for all of your comments.... I didnt want to start an argument :-(

    Don't worry it's just the clean eating vs IIFYM argument, it happens all the time :flowerforyou:

    Oh, this was no argument. The posters were being quite civil and there is a refreshing lack of snark. And actually, Kyle, your explanation was very rationale as well as accurate. A calorie is a calorie, but we all know there is more strategies to being successful than simply counting calories.

    True, snark level was surprisingly low, I think we're getting somewhere as a group.


    ETA: For the record, I never mentioned IIFYM in my responses. :wink:
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Hey there! :-)

    I think we have a logging issue here.... *sherlock holmes face*

    Your baked potatoes are exactly 100g, your broccoli is exactly 50g, your beans are exactly 150g.

    I eat baked potatoes all the time - I haven't had two weigh the same amount yet. Perhaps you are estimating rather than weighing?

    Time to get the scales out!

    ALSO your babies are Absolutely Gorgeous. Beyond cute. :-)

    Good luck! xx

    I would also like to add that a 100 gr potato, or 50 grs of broccoli are almost nothing and many people who eyeball their food for weight have no idea how little it really is. I eat a lot of sweet potatoes and never have come across one that is even close to 100 grs and even a modest amount of broccoli is around 150grs/5oz.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    this is my new favorite link for all things plateau:
    It covers all of the common problems with why the weight isn't coming off. Another good one to use for plateaus is this one:
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Thanks for all of your comments.... I didnt want to start an argument :-(

    Don't worry it's just the clean eating vs IIFYM argument, it happens all the time :flowerforyou:

    Oh, this was no argument. The posters were being quite civil and there is a refreshing lack of snark. And actually, Kyle, your explanation was very rationale as well as accurate. A calorie is a calorie, but we all know there is more strategies to being successful than simply counting calories.

    True, snark level was surprisingly low, I think we're getting somewhere as a group.


    ETA: For the record, I never mentioned IIFYM in my responses. :wink:

    Nor did I, but I'm nowhere near a clean enough eater to be mistaken for being in that group. :laugh: