Looking for Friends in their 30s

I'm 31, have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old, and am trying to get from just being at a healthy weight to being super fit. I've lost some weight but am working on adding muscle, decreasing BF%. Looking for friends who lift weights a few times a week, run a lot. Having trouble falling off the wagon and watching the water weight jump back on, or getting tired at the end of the day (probably not enough water). I'm on about 1400 calories net right now.


  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    I'm game! I'm 34, a little overweight. I run on the weekends, and am lifting 3x / wk and doing indoor cardio 2x / wk. I have a 10 yo & a 3 yo. I homeschool. I also use fitbit to track my movement, so I have recently drastically lowered my calorie intake. It seems to be working for me right now, but the minute it doesn't i will reevaluate! I try to focus on clean eating most of the time (with exceptions of course). My goal is to lose overall weight, decrease bodyfat %, and add muscle. I am also recovering from a SI and hip injury.