It's a journey alright!

Well, Im 5'6" and weigh 192. I had a baby 1 year ago and the week after I left the hospital after having him I weighed 188. Yea, explain that! So in december (after eating WAAAY too much goodies) I decided that I, like everyone else at this time of year, was going to get serious! Started working out....that lasted about 2 weeks. My husband (who is in great shape) started working out with me. That lasted about a month....nothing was happening. I started out thinking that it would be ok if I kept eating the same way as long as I was working out right? I am a southern cook. Comfort food all the way. Never any thought of calories, carbs, fats, or sugars. 35 years and never not once had I counted a calorie.
Then I discover!!! what a wake up call! So, ok, Im trying to stay within the calorie limit and still eat the same way. Same foods, just less. Well, lets just say that must have not been working either. Nothing happening. I just cant seem to get the formula right.
It's been about 9 months and now Im eating only fruits, veggies, salmon, and chicken. Whew!!!! I pretty much had to detox for about 2 weeks to get the carb cravings to stop.
I am just now finally starting to see some weight loss off the scale. I really dont like to exercise but who does right? I do have a bad knee (no cartridge left) so the high impact stuff like jillian micheals and rob harper are out....although, I still will do a 30 min. circuit every now and then. My parents just gave me an elliptical. I started at 10 minutes yesterday...did 12 today. Then I do some arm stuff (got some stuff off pinterest)
So, now if I can just get the working out back going again and keep eating like a healthy person....maybe just maybe.....i'll be able to reach my goal by Christmas. It will have been 1 long, insightful year. I have learned so much about myself and made quite a few changes!
I am 36 years old
I weigh 192
My goal is 150 (maybe 145) and to be in athletic shape
I have 4 kids...ages 14 (girl), 12 (boy), 3 (girl) and 1 (boy) yep, 2 batches (girl, boy, girl, boy) and im done!

Im open to new friend requests! Im on everyday and love to help motivate and encourage! Feel free to add me! :))