The Lean Physique And Why It’s Dangerous



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Really good article. I pretty much agree with all of it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That sounds a lot like, wait for it...., body shaming.


    Body fat percentage is a personal preference. Just because some can achieve a level of leanness that is unattainable for others, does not make that individual less inspiring. The author is implying that people who are not ultra-lean are just as likely to be knowledgable as those that are, and I agree. But it reads as if the author feels that the ultra-lean are somehow discredited for being ultra-lean. That I do not understand.

    Oh, I didn't get that from it at all.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I feel like both sides of the argument are missing the point.

    I personally think the point is, if you want to be X body fat and you are physically and genetically able to get there? Congrats. Enjoy. But assuming everyone wants or needs to get there or is lazy/fat/terrible? That's where the problem comes in.

    It's not an excuse that my kid and my family are more important to me than washboard abs. It's a matter of my priorities. I would rather make time for tea parties with teddy bears and movie time with my husband. That's my priority. Yours may vary and that's fine. I don't judge you for doing something else with your free time. It's this idea that I'm a lazy sack and I'm flawed and ugly because I'm not willing to work out 2-3 hours a day that people take issue with.

    Can't we all just get along and stop shaming all the bodies, fat, fit and in between?

  • She_Hulk
    I feel like both sides of the argument are missing the point.

    I personally think the point is, if you want to be X body fat and you are physically and genetically able to get there? Congrats. Enjoy. But assuming everyone wants or needs to get there or is lazy/fat/terrible? That's where the problem comes in.

    It's not an excuse that my kid and my family are more important to me than washboard abs. It's a matter of my priorities. I would rather make time for tea parties with teddy bears and movie time with my husband. That's my priority. Yours may vary and that's fine. I don't judge you for doing something else with your free time. It's this idea that I'm a lazy sack and I'm flawed and ugly because I'm not willing to work out 2-3 hours a day that people take issue with.

    Can't we all just get along and stop shaming all the bodies, fat, fit and in between?

  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Love that. <3
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I feel like both sides of the argument are missing the point.

    I personally think the point is, if you want to be X body fat and you are physically and genetically able to get there? Congrats. Enjoy. But assuming everyone wants or needs to get there or is lazy/fat/terrible? That's where the problem comes in.

    It's not an excuse that my kid and my family are more important to me than washboard abs. It's a matter of my priorities. I would rather make time for tea parties with teddy bears and movie time with my husband. That's my priority. Yours may vary and that's fine. I don't judge you for doing something else with your free time. It's this idea that I'm a lazy sack and I'm flawed and ugly because I'm not willing to work out 2-3 hours a day that people take issue with.

    Can't we all just get along and stop shaming all the bodies, fat, fit and in between?


    also, your post reminded me of how annoying some people can be on facebook... i have some fb friends who are CONSTANTLY posting about their workouts and sharing memes that basically insinuate that anyone who's not putting in the work they are are undedicated or lazy. if not getting up at 4am every day and working out for 2 hours or not training for a marathon makes me undedicated and lazy by your standards, well then that's fine. you can go shove it.

    i don't feel inferior because i have different priorities in life.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I don't honestly see any body shaming in that.

    Maintaining very low body fat is not possible or healthy for a lot of people. That's not to say that they're using it as an excuse to have unhealthy body fat levels, but that their healthy/fit level of body fat is not the same as a professional fitness model or bodybuilder.

    I'm aiming for 20% and that's quite low enough for me. It doesn't mean that I'm selling myself short or that I'm lazy but that I know what I want and how to achieve it whilst still living my life.
  • Kryssieness
    Kryssieness Posts: 3 Member
    I thought the article was helpful.

    I am newer to lifting and am trying to set realistic goals. It's good to know what is actually sustainable versus what I think I want. I was talking with someone and said that I was wanting to get to about 12%BF. They quirked a brow at me and tried to explain (in very poor terms) why this would be bad *FOR ME.*

    I read that article and said, "Hey! 10%BF would be bad for me! I have *CURVES* and I *LIKE* them!" Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop lifting and working out to maintain my curvy form. It just means I have shifted my perspective a bit from BF% to something, in my opinion, better: a tape measure.

    I weigh 160lbs. I'm hardly fat by anyone's definition, HOWEVER. I am not a size 2 and, therefore, am fat. The breakdown of how I got to that conclusion is a tragic tale and most people would say "just get over it!" ...and it's those people who I look at, smile to, and say STFU and go away.

    This article isn't about body shaming. It isn't about providing excuses. It's completely about informing people who may need help in defining realistic goals. Is it realistic for me to weigh 130lbs? Not anymore!! Not with the kinds of weight I'm moving and intending to move! Will I ever be a size 2? I don't know, to be honest. It doesn't seem likely if I'm able to get back into squatting, but you know what? I can *LOOK* like I'm a size 2.

    Hourglass shapes are fun... :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    This is similar to people who don't lift claiming to not want to get jacked. It's fine to not want to be ultra-lean. I don't aim for 4-6%. Totally understandable for normal women to not want to go for 12%. But it's kind of a joke when people are double digits away and pointing at these articles as if they're particularly relevant.

    Most models and actresses (i.e. female image "role models" in the media) are not ultra-lean, similar to their male counterparts. And the physical drawbacks of exceptionally low body fat are worlds away from the average person trying to lose weight. Eating disorders based on trying to look photoshopped are a lot more of a concern imo.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is similar to people who don't lift claiming to not want to get jacked. It's fine to not want to be ultra-lean. I don't aim for 4-6%. Totally understandable for normal women to not want to go for 12%. But it's kind of a joke when people are double digits away and pointing at these articles as if they're particularly relevant.

    I didn't get that from the article at all. No one is saying "Don't exercise." No one was making excuses to not be at least moderately fit.

    Take this exchange, for instance...
    There is no doubt that if someone cared to pay me to create my body into a Greek god, I could do it. But unfortunately that person hasn't come along, so travel, home, kids, bills, job and everything else is higher on the priority list than devoting 100% of my day becoming what the media want's me to think I should be.

    There in lines the problem- all those things are excuse for why you wont' put in the work for a goal you say you don't care about. But instead of just saying - you don't care enough- you list five reasons why you can't do it.

    "Travel, home, kids, bills, job and everything else is higher on the priority list" is not the same as "I'm just going to sit on the couch all day." It's right there "HIGHER" on the priority list, not "exercise is not a priority at all." But to someone who makes it a higher priority, he "doesn't care."

    I'm not lazy because I don't want to be ripped. It's not something that's important to me. I still exercise, and push myself pretty hard. But washboard abs or brag-worthy lifts aren't on my agenda.

    I could say the same for someone else and say that you're lazy if you don't read as much as I do, don't paint as much as I do, if you don't do your own home repairs like I do. What kind of slacker are YOU if you hired a plumber?! Or you're a lesser person than me if you don't own rescue pets. If you buy instead of make your own Halloween costumes. See how ridiculous it sounds?
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Men: 14-17%
    Women 22-25%

    Job done.

    If you want to be leaner then so be it. People should get over forcing their ideals on others and others shouldn't take things so personally.

    For a guy to be a *real* 10% they are lean and definitely going to look great. Most people do not walk around competition ready all year around. No big deal.
