Water and feeling Bloated?

Hi everyone, this is going to come across as a really dumb question, so please be nice xD

I have a hard time drinking enough water. I've been really trying to drink at least 8 cups a day. I drink 2 at a time, usually. Anyway, I've been noticing that I feel super bloated all the time and my stomach is showing way more because of this. Emotionally I feel fat lol (I have issues with that) and so I was just wondering if drinking a lot of water can make you bloat up like that? It's not just directly after I drink, either. It's the whole day.

Thanks for your help! Be nice :)


  • weightlossdiva1219
    Hi everyone, this is going to come across as a really dumb question, so please be nice xD

    I have a hard time drinking enough water. I've been really trying to drink at least 8 cups a day. I drink 2 at a time, usually. Anyway, I've been noticing that I feel super bloated all the time and my stomach is showing way more because of this. Emotionally I feel fat lol (I have issues with that) and so I was just wondering if drinking a lot of water can make you bloat up like that? It's not just directly after I drink, either. It's the whole day.

    Thanks for your help! Be nice :)

    Cmon on people xD
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Yes and no. You can retain water in certain circumstances, such as when you consume a lot of sodium. Or in a woman's case, during her menstrual cycle.

    But generally, no, water shouldn't cause a bloated feeling.
  • weightlossdiva1219
    Thanks. That actually helps. :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You are welcome.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Hmmm.... I'm wondering if instead of being bloated with water, you're bloated with air. Sometimes, when switching your diet, you eat foods that make you... *ahem* gassy. And then gulping down 2 full cups of water at once can trap that air in your guts. I've had it happen and it's quite painful sometimes so it's why I fill up 2 glasses (5c worth) and drink on that all day. I know if I get at least that in, between the tea and coffee and the other random drinks of water, I get more than enough liquids in my day! So, maybe give it more time, or take some simethicone or sip the water and see what happens. :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You don't need to force down 8 cups of water a day. If you're urine is pale yellow you are hydrated enough and you get plenty of liquid from foods that you eat so if you don't want to drink that much water, don't.
  • thehappyfitmusician
    You need to drink half your body weight in water every day. (Ex: 200lbs/2 = 100 oz water/day). Especially if you exercise! If your body feels deprived of water it will hold onto it because it goes into starvation mode and replaces fat cells with water. Thus, causing water retention and bloating. Bottom line... DRINK MORE WATER!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You need to drink half your body weight in water every day. (Ex: 200lbs/2 = 100 oz water/day). Especially if you exercise! If your body feels deprived of water it will hold onto it because it goes into starvation mode and replaces fat cells with water. Thus, causing water retention and bloating. Bottom line... DRINK MORE WATER!

    Totally not even close to true. I'd really like to see the science on this one!
  • sunnydazer
    sunnydazer Posts: 2 Member
    i don't know how much you are exercising, however, I noticed when I exercised a lot (rode my bike 80 miles), I drank only water. Around mile 60 I felt bloated and began to feel bad. When I stopped the water and drank gatoraid (at the time it was ok, but now I understand the ingredients have changed) I felt better. I was exercising, and needed to replace the electrolytes. Once I did that, I felt better and was able to continue the ride till the end. So, maybe if u are exercising more than usual, you might need some electrolytes?
  • Trechell89
    I saw this on pinterest a few months ago and it has really helped me get in the 8 cups a day. She has other really great tips too!
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I know it seems counter-intuitive, but I've read that drinking water is supposed to reduce bloating. I usually drink tons of water, but I have a hard time when I'm sick, it either isn't appetizing to me or it hurts to swallow, so I find that ends up making me feel worse. The best thing to do is to realize that your body needs water to function at its best and just keep drinking as much as you can!