How can I get back on track without having to starve myself?



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Another thought....maybe you aren't really eating 1800-2000. You should not gain weight at that amount with all of the exercise you're doing. How positive are you on portion size and whatnot? Do you weigh and measure your food, or just eyeball/guess?
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Your body is inert and bouncy. Sometimes it's hard to get it moving in any direction. Then you give it a huge push and it bounces further than you wanted it to. And it may bounce back right away. or not.

    Anyway that's me trying to paint a picture of how your body weight reacts to what you eat.

    Basically don't make any drastic changes. Don't go from eating 2000 to 1200 or anything like that. Like you want to eat 200 calories less? That's fine. Monitor it for 2 or 3 weeks. Then change by another 200. Monitor for a few weeks again. Only if you make small changes and you monitor will you really become aware of how your body reacts to small changes. Don't go and make huge changes.

    IF you're patient enough to monitor, you will find a reasonable level of calories that doesn't feel like torture but still allows you to GRADUALLY lose some weight. Shoot for 1lbs per week. Then when you get near your ideal weight, go past it a little bit. Because when you start eating more you will put on some water weight or glycogen stores or whatever. So go lower by 2-3 pounds under your ideal weight before you re-adjust your calories up. Readjust should be slowly again, by 200 calories every step.

    Only if you take things slow can you measure and learn. If you keep changing how you eat, well how are you going to know what is going on?