Filling low cal foods

Help needed!
Just started a week ago on a journey in which I'm attempting to lose 7 stones.
I've been given 1850 cals a day for a 2lb weekly weight loss. Sensible enough.
Problem is, I always feel hungry! Are there any foods anyone can recommend that are filling, but low calorie?
Grateful for any advice on this.....Many thanks


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    what's your macro split?

    I find if I don't have it balanced reasonably (to heavy in one direction) I'm headed for 2 issues- 1.) hungry all the time. 2.) some intersting bathroom times.

    That being said- I'm an an epic low carb right now- and I still get full- I eat 1200-1500 calories of protein and fat- and I'm pretty good for most of the day. IF you are lacking in one of the 3- you need to balance it out from the other side.

    If you Aren't doing a specifcally low carb or low protein (why who does that anyway LOL) you just need to be balanced across the board.

    Figure out your macro's and where you are currently and tinker with that.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Make sure you are getting your protein, fat and carb, some fiber also. Celery sticks with peanut butter, hummus with whole wheat pita, a handful of walnuts are just a few examples.
  • I've found an apple or a banana with a handful of almonds or spoonful of peanut butter to be a good choice. Combine this with a glass of water and you should be set.