Got Friends? Join me on this weight loss journey!

Hi, I'm Arnette (Picka)... and I've been overweight as long as I can remember... so reaching my goal will be super exciting! I'll see a fit and healthier me for the first time. I lost about 65-70 pounds with Weight Watchers prior to having my son back in 2007. That was awesome!... But unfortunately, gained it all back with a vengence afterwards. With life changes like getting married, having a baby and buying a new house, I fell off the wagon and never could really get my motivation back. So here I go again! Motivated and determined to shed the extra pounds. I'm pretty new to this site and welcome positive and active MFP friends to join me on this journey to weight loss. I'm excited and hope you are too :happy:

Good Luck!
~ Picka


  • MrsUptonOgood
    MrsUptonOgood Posts: 1,897 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss journey.....friend me if you like :)
    I have been on this site before and did well and "fell off the wagon too".....Climbing back on the wagon and going to get it done this time!!
  • Pickachoo1
    Pickachoo1 Posts: 43 Member
    Awesome! We can do this...getting back on the wagon is key :flowerforyou:
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Welcome! I too did WW previously (several different times) and lost 30 and 40lbs each time and while I do love it, it's costly. This yr I decided I needed a change and someone suggested MFP and though I had an account I never did anything with it. So here I am 4 months later and 26lbs down with 124 to go until my first goal. Start small, log daily, add some exercise in when you're ready and rock this!!!

    Feel free to friend request me, I'm a sahm to 3 girls and log daily and try to comment as often as possible on my friends :)
  • Pickachoo1
    Pickachoo1 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there! Thanks for posting. Weight Watchers is great, but you're right - it is costly. MFP is awesome and FREE. A great tool that seems to really work. I've lost 6 pounds in just the two short weeks I've signed up. I'm excited to be making new friends... it will definately make the journey fun and easier. I will take your advice.... let's rock this together :happy:
  • Pickachoo1
    Pickachoo1 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Friends!!! I am making so many new and wonderful buddies on this journey.... so excited!!! It is so encouraging to see the pounds lost by so many... and the motivation is awesome! I am really loving this site, it is so fun logging in and tracking my food and stats and seeing comments from everybody.... really keeps you going! And the best part... see the weight come off each week! Awesome :happy:

    More friends always welcome!!!!!!!! Let's do this together everybody :flowerforyou: