Help needed

I finished a 12 week cut a week and a half ago and had lost around 8kg and really toned up (got over my gym phobia, started lifting etc.). And I haven’t lost the motivation to continue completely, but I’m weakening a bit. I’m having a really hard time at work, and my daughter is having some behavioural issues. I’m just feeling a bit too drawn to comfort food and it’s a constant battle. I’m slipping in to eating badly in the afternoon, then deleting the dinner I had planned from my daily plan, and getting through the evening hungry because I’ve eaten my calories… I don’t know what the answer is. Just looking for some support really.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You know what to do. You need to find something to release stress other than food. I usually turn to exercise. As far as your daughter - one thing that has worked with me is going for long walks with one of my children. I usually start off complaining about work and soon my kids are chiming in about this person or the other that is bothering them in school or some frustrating situations with friends. I try not to be judgmental but just listen and let them vent.
  • I found that training for a 10k really helped when I was struggling. Like Lizzie, I turn to exercise. Set yourself a goal and stick to it.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Running - Cheaper than therapy. I think walking works, too. Take your daughter with you in the stroller, maybe? She might enjoy the mom and me time. Or get her something she only gets to do while you're walking - a special book, a few songs on an mp3, a "walking teddy".
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Sounds like a "crash" they arent bad

    my advice is to take a break and re balance your life outside the diet and training just for a couple or 4 days then draw a line and youll re-focus what you want. hope this helps :)