The no BS approach

After reading the first chapter " Understanding Building" from the book "Natural Bodybuilders Bible", I'm convinced I'm half-assing it and just hindering my potential. I think mainly by eating right and following my diet 80-90% of the time and being reckless for the rest. I always make sure I eat enough protein and cals but I'm never really afraid to eat extra as well. Here's my confession: I even purposely skip logging anything that isn't part of my diet. I know 350 extra calories isn't huge especially when your're doing cardio daily, but I can't help but to think just how much faster results would come if I followed my diet to a T and didn't try to suppress any slip ups. I'm not planing to be able to compete one day but that would be nice if I am able to get to that point, this is more like an internal itch to discipline my self and prove I'm capable of commitment and delayed-gratification. I'm naturally a very impatient person and I really don't enjoy that flaw.

I've even been second guessing drinking while I'm trying to focus on sculpting my body. I always argued that it's completely possible to have a great body while still partying and it it is but I think it's even easier to have a great body when your not drinking excess calories that just slow you down the next day as well. It's got more to do with what it does to my brain rather than my body. When I drink I don't give two *kitten*'s or even a fuk about following my diet protocall or even my lifting routine the next day...that's how much it messes with my decision making. I eat like a pig when I go to pubs, then I wake up bloated, uncomfortable and lazy, not exactly positive qualities for bodybuilding.

I'm going to set my mind straight on it this time and see how much further down the road my efforts can take me this time around. I'm talking NO cheat foods or days any cheat drinks including soda beer and anything other than water basically. I'm taking a stand to follow a clean diet to perfection and not leave any room for slip ups. No non-whole grain foods, no processed foods, very minimal sugar intake. The same goes for in the gym, which won't be nearly as difficult for me but still no whimping out on leg day and since I won't be drinking no whimping out on my saturday morning cardio.

Some might think this is a bit ridiculous but to me it's a personal challenge that I want to accomplish. My body's like my little science experiment and I'm going to start setting boundaries for my self when it comes to how I'm experimenting with it. I've followed a very strict diet before for years with hardly stepping out of bounds and the benefits really showed both mentally and physically. So anyone else wanna take a very meticulous approach at this with me just LmK, it's always easier doing it with someone else.... Thanks guys best of luck