help with HRMs?

Can someone make a recommendation for me? I feel like I need to be more accurate in reporting my calories burned, so I'd like to use a heart rate monitor. Is it worth buying a cheap one? We're on a tight budget because we have to pour a basement floor and put in a new heating system before the snow flies (October) since our furnace bit the buscuit this spring.

I'm rambling, but my point is, can anyone point me in the direction of an inexpensive, yet fairly accurate hrm if such a thing exists?
THank you


  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    i bought the polar F4 its $65 semi cheap.....really good!!!!!!! i love it!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Polar Ft7 w/ chest strap, I love mine
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I would recommend a polar brand. Try, ebay or craiglist to get a good price on one.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I use the polar F6. Very accurate, chest strap works with the watch. You have to pur you age, height, sex, weight. I paid $120 at MC Sports but you can find them cheaper online.. I'd use

    I love mine and use it every day!!
  • Tami22
    Tami22 Posts: 56
    I have the polar F6 chest strap and watch and LOVE it!! I got it off of for just about $100.
  • kmulhollen
    kmulhollen Posts: 54
    I have a new one made by New Balance - model N4. Was all set to buy the Polar brand then saw it at my local Costco for $44. I love it! Very simple to use and reliable for heart rate! Love the money I saved too :-)
  • lauraac
    lauraac Posts: 1
    I recommend the Polar or Timex. I found the best price on Amazon with free shipping.