Binge eater needs support

Hi everyone.

I’ve been binge eater since I was 13, for almost 4 years today. At that time I was doing ballet and was willing to lose some weight. Binges were minor and usually caused by not eating enough food the previous day. However, today the situation is much worse. For the past 3 weeks I overeat almost EVERYDAY. I eat tons of sugary ****. I feel out of control. And sad. Very sad. Today I (again) said to myself “that’s enough”.

I can’t count the number of times I tried to change, promised to myself to take care of my body and eat better (some of the times it worked, although the longest period I was totally clean is a month I think). I know that strict routine works for me the best (that’s why I’m here, to track what I eat and to make plans when and what to eat). But if I fail… I fail for weeks. Or months. My family knows my problem; however that makes me even more sad and ashamed. Anyway I feel like I need the support very badly. That’s the second reason why I’m here.

Talking about weight, during these years I gained about 15 kg (33lbs). For now I’m 169 cm tall and weight 65 kg (5’7 / 143 lbs). The highest was 67 kg (147 lbs) this spring. However my weight is not stable and fluctuates a lot.

If you’re dealing with the similar problems or just willing to eat healthy and need some support, I would love to add you as a friend :)


  • Gilevai, welcome to myfitnesspal. This is my second week on here and so far it's been working pretty good for me. I have some kind of accountability with the calorie counter on here. Have you tried eating 5-6 small meals a day and drinking lots of water? This is ideally the best way to lose weight as well as keeping you from binge eating. Hopefully this helps or at least offers you some encouragement. Keep up the good fight!
  • Yes, my plan is to eat 5 meals a day :) Eating frequently helps me a lot actually.
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Do you do any types of exercise routines, because working out, like weight lifting, helps in losing weight.
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    I fight binges too! I've been on here for a few months now, and tracking it REALLY helps! I still have bad days now and then! I am doing better about WHAT I choose to eat on a binge now! Instead of a huge candy bar or a couple pieces of cake, I am having a cup or so of fruit. Or a few skinny cow pieces of chocolate. Working out has helped me tone up and lose inches, but keeping more fruit and veggies, and less junk in the house, has helped a LOT.

    Good luck!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Hello from a recovering binge eater.
    First, I want to to tell you that you're not alone - a lot of us have issues with binge eating. I wish I could tell you that it will get easier. It might, it might not. For me, it gets easier and then it gets harder, you just have to keep going forward.

    The best advice I can give you is to set small goals and reward yourself when you accomplish them. Give yourself something to look forward to. I had to start by challenging myself to eat breakfast every day for a week. Then, to not go over calories for a week, then, adding about 50 calories of exercise or going for a walk every day. Make the challenges small and easily achievable without much thought. Then you just keep going with it until the behavior becomes natural. The more challenges you meet, the more it will build your sense of self esteem - the little voice inside of you that says "you can do this!" will get louder and louder.

    Also, don't try to change everything overnight. I know a lot of people love the idea of the instant fix, but it just doesn't work that way. No one becomes overweight overnight, and likewise, no one loses weight fast and keeps it off. Slow and steady is a way better approach.

    You will make mistakes along the way. Don't beat yourself up too much, just acknowledge that you screwed up, ruminate on that for a few minutes, and then let it go.

    Just remember, this whole thing comes down to decisions you make. Be conscious of that - when you make a choice, ask yourself if it is bringing you closer to your goal, or farther from it. You are completely in control. Set a goal, and hold yourself accountable to it. How cool is that? You're the boss!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I do six meals a day planned in advance, so I don't have a chance to binge... I'm Lew. Married, dad of two boys (14 and 4) and soon to be one girl... Been at this for 14 months and have dropped 184.2 pounds. Welcome and best of luck in all your fitness goals. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • I binge eat due to depression. I have recently experienced 2 major tragic events in my life but have managed to control myself. It still happens from time to time and when I do it.....I just say ok now thats over and we move on to our normal way of healthy eating and working out. You cant beat yourself up over it or you will feel worse. Just say ok that was great and now we get back on track for good.
  • Kanyon17
    Kanyon17 Posts: 156 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I don't know if I'm a binge eater, it's the first time I've ever heard that expression (sorry, english is my second language). But I know i've had these crisis where I could have eaten everything that was inmy kitchen. One of my solutions was to eliminate every 'bad' food from it so that when a crisis would hit, I would not have a whole box of cookies to eat (because i've done that a few times...). It helped, but i've discovered that during these crisis, I would besically eat anything. Honey from the bottle with nothing else, cheese, anything. So I've learned to keep as less food as possible around so that I wouldn't have anything to eat. But this created new problems: it's hard to cook when you don't have anything around and it's kind of a pain in the a** to go to the grocerie store every night to get the minimum... So eventually I realised that I was eating fastfood because I had anything to cook at home and during my crisis, I was suffering, literally!
    Now I'm trying really change my habits and after reading your answers, I think i'm on the good way. I'm eating smaller meals and I bring healty snacks at work (planned ones and my goal is always to get back home with at least one that I would not have been hundry for). I also drink a lot of water and try to slow things down. I think before eating and I try to wait 20-30 minutes before actually eating a snack to see if I really was hundry.
    I know it's for the best because doing diets never brought me anywhere...
    So I'm a 24y/o female from Québec, Canada. I'm always looking for friends to help motivating me so if you want to add me, I'll be glad to motive you in return :tongue: