180lbs to 130 I need all the help I can get

I need friends to talk about health and fitness for my MFP app. I'm very rarely on the computer for this place and I sadly had stopped paying attention to my health or anything for the last few months... Causing me to go from 168lbs to 180lbs... I could just cry with how disgusted I am with myself because I was trying so hard for so long to lose weight... Even if nothing I did really did anything for me... But here I am again.

Back and hitting the gym (with my very first gym membership) and a whole new motivation... But it's nice to have some back up. Especially since I never have anyone to work out with. I just go by myself and so far I've gone 5 out of 8 days.

I'm an aspiring cosplayer who is going to cosplay for the first time this November... I'm pretty scared because I'm not skinny or fit and "fat" folk usually don't get good reactions from people when we try to cosplay... Anyway. I could use some back up. <3


  • CassiHutchings
    CassiHutchings Posts: 98 Member
    My start weight was 5 lbs heavier and my goal weight is 130! Feel free to add me :) I try to be really encouraging.
  • katierrt
    katierrt Posts: 113 Member
    Add me, I love MFP, its a great place for support and encouragement! :)

    Nice to meet you!
  • Risern17
    Risern17 Posts: 1 Member
    I'll try to add you. I have my settings visible to friends and I also could use support and encouragement on my journey.
  • hulahoopmama
    hulahoopmama Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I added you. Cosplay always allured me as a younger person since I like community, boys, and games... seemed like a fun experience - I just stuck to LAN parties. Now I'm a big time hula hooper and momma. aptly indicated in my username !

    When it comes to weight I feel for some reason if I can overcome this I can overcome anything.
  • corrinab2705
    corrinab2705 Posts: 10 Member
    Sent request, hope i can help let me know xx Good luck and stop being so hard on yourself, just get you bum in gear started to make healthier choices and i find exercise makes me feel more positive about things.
    Take care xx
  • I am not online often, mainly on my app, but would be happy to help motivate. i could use some as well. We can encourage each other along the way.:smile:
  • cheegerz
    cheegerz Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! This is my first post on the message boards. :) I peaked at my highest weight in 2007... at exactly 180lbs.... and guess what I ended up getting down to! 130!! Ironic, huh? If I did it, you can definitely do it. All it takes is some serious determination. I'd be happy to help however I can. I ended up gaining a little more weight in the last year and a half, so I'm back up to like 145 now.... but I'm working out again and I'm gonna get back down to 130. I felt amazing at that weight and was getting so many compliments from friends I'd grown up with. Anyway, feel free to message me if you'd like some tips!! If you drink soda at all, cut it out. Completely. That's one of the biggest things I did when I lost my 50lbs -- I stopped drinking soda. I replaced every single soda I would have had with a glass of lemon water. And I started doing pilates about 4 days a week for 30 minutes a day. It honestly just started to fall off, and when you start losing a little bit, you only get more and more motivated! Watching the numbers on the scale go down is such a great feeling. :)

    Sorry if I'm talkin' your ear off. Just know you can do it!!! Cheers :)
  • sarahhorrigan
    sarahhorrigan Posts: 64 Member
    I need friends to talk about health and fitness for my MFP app. I'm very rarely on the computer for this place and I sadly had stopped paying attention to my health or anything for the last few months... Causing me to go from 168lbs to 180lbs... I could just cry with how disgusted I am with myself because I was trying so hard for so long to lose weight... Even if nothing I did really did anything for me... But here I am again.

    Back and hitting the gym (with my very first gym membership) and a whole new motivation... But it's nice to have some back up. Especially since I never have anyone to work out with. I just go by myself and so far I've gone 5 out of 8 days.

    I'm an aspiring cosplayer who is going to cosplay for the first time this November... I'm pretty scared because I'm not skinny or fit and "fat" folk usually don't get good reactions from people when we try to cosplay... Anyway. I could use some back up. <3

    Just today I've reached 130 lbs from a starting weight of 200 lbs back in January this year. You *can* do it! Stick with it, give yourself the attention you deserve and need... and you'll get there!

    Sarah :smile:
  • Thank you all so much. I'm usually on my app, so I don't get on my laptop very much. I appreciate and love all the friend requests.
  • Caty_power
    Caty_power Posts: 145 Member
    Hope everyone is in good health.. . I have started a new program yesterday -- ADD me- if answer is yes-.. if we all can start it and can discuss the results everyday ,help each other to motivate .. Would be so awesome .. Anyone in .. have a look at the program .. LEts kill it ... It is not impossible all we need is strength and motivation.....
    I even have a group join it

    25 lbs by X-mass-14 Weeks Challenge :D!
    Join this group and add me as well
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    WHUT!!?! All 200 lbs of 5'3" me cosplays and it's always freaken AWESOME.
    I make sure my outfits are tasteful. Yes, a big girl wearing a tiny non-body conscious outfit is going to get a negative reaction, but a beautiful women dressed beautifully will ALWAYS get a positive one.
    GO AND STRUT, at whatever size.

    I think it is GREAT that you want to lose weight, but do not feel "disgusting" or do it for the outfit...do it for you, and your health. I amhere to support you in any way

    This is one of my outfits.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I was 185lbs when i started then i found this awesome site and i am to 159
  • _TimeForMe
    _TimeForMe Posts: 156 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • cheegerz
    cheegerz Posts: 26 Member
    WHUT!!?! All 200 lbs of 5'3" me cosplays and it's always freaken AWESOME.
    I make sure my outfits are tasteful. Yes, a big girl wearing a tiny non-body conscious outfit is going to get a negative reaction, but a beautiful women dressed beautifully will ALWAYS get a positive one.
    GO AND STRUT, at whatever size.

    I think it is GREAT that you want to lose weight, but do not feel "disgusting" or do it for the outfit...do it for you, and your health. I amhere to support you in any way

    This is one of my outfits.

    Look at you, hottie!! :) I agree, even girls with a little meat on their bones can look sexy in costume. In fact, most of them look better than the twigs! Not to take away from anyone's ambition to lose weight (that's why we're all here, obviously.. haha), but I think the first step to getting healthy is loving yourself for who you are and knowing that you have value and beauty even if you're not the size you wish to be. It starts with self-worth. Intrinsic value is nothing to shake a stick at. :) Go for it, girls!
  • KisaraKaiba
    KisaraKaiba Posts: 59 Member
    I've added you. I'm 145ish now and want to get down to 140-135. Nearly there! :) I started much higher as you can see by my ticker. It can be done, you will get there, and your cosplays will surely be brilliant either way.
  • emalinemartin
    emalinemartin Posts: 131 Member
    I weight about the same and my goal is 125 :) I;m just a tad taller. I added you :) good luck!
  • I'm a little below 130 looking to lose a few more but I was close to that weight two years ago so I know the feeling! Felt pretty disgusted. With every pound lost I suddenly was like "I can wear sexy clothes now!". Add me if you want (anyone can feel free to add me!). I'd love to cheer you on! :D
  • WHUT!!?! All 200 lbs of 5'3" me cosplays and it's always freaken AWESOME.
    I make sure my outfits are tasteful. Yes, a big girl wearing a tiny non-body conscious outfit is going to get a negative reaction, but a beautiful women dressed beautifully will ALWAYS get a positive one.
    GO AND STRUT, at whatever size.

    I think it is GREAT that you want to lose weight, but do not feel "disgusting" or do it for the outfit...do it for you, and your health. I amhere to support you in any way

    This is one of my outfits.

    You're 200 lbs? No freaking way! Man, I could never pull that off as well as you did. Damn girl. Strut that ****. :O
  • minnie503
    minnie503 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a lot more to go than you, but feel free to add me! Also, anyone else, too. :)
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    WHUT!!?! All 200 lbs of 5'3" me cosplays and it's always freaken AWESOME.
    I make sure my outfits are tasteful. Yes, a big girl wearing a tiny non-body conscious outfit is going to get a negative reaction, but a beautiful women dressed beautifully will ALWAYS get a positive one.
    GO AND STRUT, at whatever size.

    I think it is GREAT that you want to lose weight, but do not feel "disgusting" or do it for the outfit...do it for you, and your health. I amhere to support you in any way

    This is one of my outfits.

    You're 200 lbs? No freaking way! Man, I could never pull that off as well as you did. Damn girl. Strut that ****. :O

    Ha, yes maam. About 190 now...and THANK YOU. The greatest lesson I've learned is that I need to love myself and respect myself at any size. Self worth isnt dependent on a wieght or a size.
    Treat yourself like you are Worth it EVERY SINGLE DAY