Weightloss Plateau

Hey guys.

I just wanted to ask how long does my weight have to stay the same for it to be deemed as a plateau?
2 weeks ago I was 203-204lbs and it was like that for maybe 10 days then I suddenly dropped to 199.5 for some reason.
Yesterday I checked again and I'm at 201-202.
Any reason for that or was I just dehydrated on the day I weighed in at 199.5? I always weigh myself at roughly 8-9am after taking a morning deuce and walking the dog.

I know I probably didn't hit a weight plateau, but just for future reference, how long would my weight have to not change for it to be considered a Plateau?


  • vivele8
    vivele8 Posts: 17 Member
    I've hit two plateaus in my journey so far. Each one lasted about a month. It's discouraging as hell, but perserverance pays off.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I stall for 3 weeks every month.