I'm Getting Married! Now, I need to lose weight.

sarahnicole1989 Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey everyone,

I've never really spent much time on the forums, but I started with MFP back in 2011 at my highest ever weight of 169 lbs (I'm 5'3). I lose 22 lbs, then gained 7 back.

I stagnated after that (miserably) and decided I looked even bigger now (at 153) in photos than I did back when I was 169 lbs (must have lost muscle?) and after seeing particularly harrowing photos of myself I jumped right back up on the wagon.

I decided to try out Body by Vi and see what it is all about after a solid year and a half of naysaying it (I was resistant). I got my first "kit" on August 28 and have since not weighed myself or anything.

Anyway, long story short, my challenge goal was to lose 18 lbs by December 1, settling at a healthy 135.

Luckily I made that goal, because just this past weekend my long term boyfriend popped the question, and I'm getting married in July 2014!

I've got the Visalus shakes, which I'm happy with (I put all sorts of nutritious stuff in them) but my issue is working out.

I don't just want to lose fat, I want to gain muscle so I can look decent in photos again. I tried to start running again but after a horrid experience with fairly bad shin splints, and then another horrid experience on August 27 with Crossfit from which one of my arms still has yet to recover, I'm at this annoying point of "what next".

I'm trying Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred but don't know if it's enough.

Advice? Thoughts? Have you tried the 30 day shred?


  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I haven't done the Shred, but I do know there are a lot of posts on here about it.

    I like the gym personally. I go to an LA Fitness. I rather pay a monthly fee and have access to all the different weights and barbells. Also there is a pool which is a great alternative to running and getting shin splints. Also the classes are really good. Zumba kicks my but and they have something called Boot Camp Conditioning that my schedule has not allowed me to take but it looks really intense!
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    If you want long term results, stop with the weird diet programs and food and go back to basics!

    You need to make changes in your life that you can sustain over the years, if you can't commit to that then you will surely fail. Focus on healthy, well-rounded meals that will put you at a calorie deficit. Figure out your TDEE and go from there, but never go below 1200 (which is very low to begin with!) If you are new to working out, start slow and don't try to kill yourself over it. I think a lot of people fail because they initially over-do it and can't keep up with the lofty goals they've set for themselves.

    As far as the 30DS goes, I think that is an excellent starting point. I began my weight-loss journey almost a year ago with my 30DS DVD in hand and have been on the losing track ever since. If I were you I would alternate 30DS with walking, running, or bike riding so you don't get bored with the program.

    Another thing, TRACK EVERYTHING YOU EAT. Even on those days you know you'll be over on calories. It helps you stay accountable!

    Good luck!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Since you're at your goal weight and thus don't need to lose any more weight really, I would say eat at maintenance or a slight cut and start lifting heavy. Look into New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength, or Stronglifts; read up, do your homework, and get to work.

    30DS is cool and all, but nothing is going to get you results like lifting heavy is.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    What Achrya said!

    Healthy eating is key!

    30DS is a good burn, but lifting can help a lot to tone up muscle and burn fat.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Since you're at your goal weight and thus don't need to lose any more weight really, I would say eat at maintainice or a slight cut and start lifting heavy. Look into New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength, or Stronglifts; read up, do your homework, and get to work.

    30DS is cool and all, but nothing is going to get you results like lifting heavy is.

  • Caty_power
    Caty_power Posts: 145 Member
    Hope everyone is in good health.. . I have started a new program yesterday -- ADD me- if answer is yes- http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-easons-livefit-phase-1.html - - It is 12 weeks challenge to lean your body and fat loss.. Its looks like pretty simple and doable... i have done a lot of research and it looks like it does work and give you positive results .. if we all can start it and can discuss the results everyday ,help each other to motivate .. Would be so awesome .. Anyone in .. have a look at the program .. LEts kill it ... It is not impossible all we need is strength and motivation..... whats your thoughts on it ..

    I have created our group loviles.... Where we can track our daily progress

    Group name :- 25 Lbs By X Mass 14 Weeks Challenge :D

    Search it and join it.. Let start it today as there is no tommorow
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Set your goal to lose and pound a week and start a compound weight lifting program as suggested by other posters. You will rock that wedding dress. :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Your boyfriend just asked you to marry him. I think it's great that you want to get in better shape, but I'm guessing he's not going to say "no" at the alter if you're still overweight on your wedding day. Relax and take it one day at a time.
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    I mostly focus on cardio as I don't find strength training or lifting to be very fun. I cycle to and from work and I am not kidding you, my legs are like big muscly tree trunks now! Seriously, I've never seen or felt my legs like this and it has all been from cycling.

    For toning in upper body, I box on a heavy bag. My upper arms are my worst feature so I usually try to hide them. However, after boxing for just a few months, I have noticed a huge difference. There is definition in my arms, chest, shoulders and back that I have never seen before.

    The only thing that is lacking is some kind of abdominal workout. But it just goes to show that you don't need to do crazy weights to have good tone in your body.
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