I need to loose 150LBS!!!!! Advice needed

SanctifiedDiva Posts: 16 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Ok guys I need a healthy eating guideline to follow (diet). What is working for you guys? I am thinking exercise 1 hour a day 3-4 times a week. I feel overwhelmed. How did you guys start and keep going? I have gym membership! :explode:

I have a busy schedule I work full time, school full time, mommy and wife. I am involved in church at least 8-15 hours a week. I need to be in shape and healthy and I am TCC (trying to conceive on top of it all). Please Help.:heart::huh:


  • SheShe_13
    SheShe_13 Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I started out slow by making healthier food choices. I incorporated more fruit and mostly veggies in my diet. One thing that has helped me immensely is increasing my protein. I try to have protein at every meal. In addition, I change up my foods. I don't eat the same thing everyday because I noticed my body gets used to it and stops burning fat. As far as exercise, I've been slacking. I just try to be more active at home and school by walking. Oh yeah, lots and lots and lots of water. I may have a soda 2x a month. I AM BY NO MEANS AN EXPERT, but this is what has worked for me. Feel free to add me, but I should inform you I feel support goes both ways. I don't mean to be a smart *kitten*, but I've had to delete several fitness pals because they were not returning support. Good luck with your journey!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I've been where you are now. Slow down and don't overwhelm yourself. Start small with say tracking your calories and your exercise for one week, then two and so on. In my experience, tracking calroies and keeping under your calorie goal is 80% of the way to your overall goal weight. Very important to be consistent and do this day in and day out. Also make sure to stay hydrated and drink your water. Good luck.
  • starryvagabond
    starryvagabond Posts: 60 Member
    Mind if I friend you? I need to lose 170 pounds (Already lost 52 of it) and I can offer advice and my diary is open so you can see how I eat :)
  • naydene_w
    I am following WW, and counting calories and nutrition here. I also go to WW meetings where I have a super leader. My thought to you , if I picked one thing, would be to make sure and weigh and measure everything and keep track. That is the most important, to me at least. Also when starting, start small. Change ONE THING, and get used to it, make it a habit. Then do another. Like track , then activity, then cut out processed stuff, etc. Good luck. I have 80 more to go of 100.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I've been where you are. I have lost 118lbs, 88 of it on here. This is a fantastic read and full of great advice. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819925-the-basics-don-t-complicate-it
  • shokes718
    shokes718 Posts: 37 Member
    Definitely start slow or you will get overwhelmed really quickly. Diet is where the majority of your weight loss will occur so begin there. Start switching from fatty, fried foods to healthier options like grilled chicken or salads. Prepare your meals on the weekend or the night before so you don't just grab and go. Keep sliced celery and carrots in your fridge so they are accessible. The key is to write EVERYTHING down. Every single bite even if you go over your caloric intake for the day. You can even get the MFP app on your phone so you can do it on the run if need be. Also, when you are ready to incorporate exercise, start slow. My suggestion would be 30 min a day 3xweek. Weather permitting, go around the block t and enjoy the outdoors. Gradually build once you have this foundation. Another suggestion is not to look at the 150 lbs as your goal. Set a goal of 10 lbs. Once your reached that goal, you can then begin to set another one of 10 or 20 lbs. Remember that goals must be realistic and attainable. When you want to give up, remember you are fighting for your life and that beautiful family of yours. You can do this!!!!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Exercise is good and you defiantly should do it, but your main focus should be your diet. Make sure you are eating healthy, filling, meals that are satisfying and fit your calorie goals. Don't deprive yourself of everything, that makes it too easy to quit. Befriend a lot of people with open diaries and get ideas from them. My best advice for you would be to never give up--if I had given up every time I fell off the wagon I would never be where I am today!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Don't stress over eating only salads/fruit/etc and deprive yourself of things you really enjoy. Healthy food does NOT = weight loss, caloric deficit = weight loss. You can eat ice cream for breakfast and still lose weight, so honestly I wouldn't put a whole lot of emphasis on all of that. Make the healthiest choices possible, but enjoy everything in moderation.

    Measure yourself and take 'before' pictures asap. The scale isn't the best way to measure progress. Set fitness/other goals (run a 5k, hike for 2 hours without being winded etc) instead of just weight goals.
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