28 lbs in 3 Months



  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    Amazing job! Very inspiring. I wanted to ask how many calories are you eating per day and how many calories do you burn a day in exercise? I just ask because I am trying to lose 80 pounds and having a hard time figuring out this calorie thing. I have been eating 1200 calories and going to Curves and walking about 30-60 min per day.

    I eat 1500 cals a day. A little more when I work out a lot. I work out 6 days a week for about an hour , an hour an a half, every two weeks bump it up to 2 weeks. I work out this much because I literally sit all day. I have a desk job and so I figure an hour plus is only going to benefit me. I burn a lot of calories because Im heavier. The lighter you are the less you lose. I may lose like 1500 cals -2000 cals a day. I have one off day (usually Sunday).t I also try eat every few hours. I have a "cheat " day usually on my non workout day. Since Ive adjusted to 1500 cals a day now I cant even eat my cheat meals. Ill finish half a burger and a few fries and be beyond stuffed and not hungry all day. That's about it. I do have junk food but I portion it , and I don't do it often. I count my Doritos..lol or I have whatever the back says is a serving. Or if I have chips, I buy the tiny ones they sell at Wal-Mart. Its all about balance and moderation. I do a lot of cardio, that's why I look smaller..Im not able to do pushups or weights (had surgery on hand and cannot put ANY weight on it) ..so Im stuck doing the stairs at gym, treadmill and bike.

    I literally just walked 8 miles. :)

    Sample of food intake:

    Egg whites scrambled (2) on top of toasted wheat English muffin and a little bit of avocado.
    Maybe an iced tea-non sugared.

    Snack a few hours later : grapes and a piece of cheese (1oz)

    Lunch: Salad with some chicken, beans, veggies and salsa

    Snack a few hours later: a yogurt or a trail mix

    Dinner: lightest meal of the day : fruit blended with water and a spoonful of yogurt or maybe 1/2 cup of milk

    I try and stop eating about 6-7 pm (im usually up till 10 pm) so I go to bed a little hungry-which is good.

    Email me if you like to know anything else....I just do what works for me. One day at a time...:) Happy Exercising

    Thank you so much for replying! This was VERY helpful to me and I like that you went into detail. It is funny because you sound a lot like me. Lol! I just checked back in my food log from weeks ago where I was dropping the weight consistently and realized that I was eating about 1500 calories. I just thought maybe I could do 1200 and lose more faster. I have been looking at the success stories on here and see where people say they eat 1200 calories and have lost like 90 pounds in a year. I guess with all the exercise I am doing I need to eat more. Thank you for the meal ideas. I am definitely thinking I am eating too low.
    plz tell me your secret I've recently had my 3rd child and bounced back with the other two ut this one left me with some work to do lol so I had to make a commitment and start cutting back on my calories
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    To clarify -cuz Ive already gotten one remark on this. No its not photoshopped. I blurred my shirt with paint because it was really ripped and looked horrible...lol...If it was photoshopped I wouldn't of put my face publicly. Thanks :)

    I hope this works!
    Start weight 270
    Current : 242
    Heighth: 5'5"
    To make a long story short...
    Heavy all my life but recenlty gained 40 lbs from a surgery in which I had a tumor removed from my hand. Was unable to move my hand , or use my arm for 3 months. I ate whatever i could, walked only when I had too. I was stationary 23 hrs a day.

    I have lost 28 lbs in 3 months. Before this tiny weight loss I had high blood pressure, anemia, migraines, abnormal hormone levels, break outs (face acne), insomnia, swelling of the lower limbs (bad circulation), the list goes on. I was officially one of those "big " people that huff going up the stairs and knees hurt just walking for 5 minutes.

    3 months later -I am semi normal. No swelling, sleep better, normal blood pressure etc.

    I am on a mission for health..the physical part just comes with it, but its def. important too!
    I am going to walk 10 miles tonight in celebration of...Life :)

    Hope the pic works.


    Left Image is blurry cuz its a sucky camera phone-right is from actual camera :)

    awesome job!!!! huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference!!!!!! your face/tummy are soo soo much smaller!!! :drinker: you lost abot the same 'pace' as me when I first started MFP! i lost 40 pounds in 4mo! 5 pant sizes! (gained some since but am back at it). :happy: you look great! keep it up... and I hope you enjoyed your walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    It's inspiring that a 28 lb loss has done so much for your health!
    Yes, I agree. I thnk my body hated me and just the small changes of being active, getting oxygen in, just has done wonders. I can truly say that exercise and eating well will definitely add years. I was miserable before (feeling) and everything hurt. I couldn't even bend my legs for more then 10 sec without them falling asleep.

    My body is getting stronger every day. My mood is even different. I now feel like I can do anything, to where as before I was even slightly depressed probably.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    To clarify -cuz Ive already gotten one remark on this. No its not photoshopped. I blurred my shirt with paint because it was really ripped and looked horrible...lol...If it was photoshopped I wouldn't of put my face publicly. Thanks :)

    I hope this works!
    Start weight 270
    Current : 242
    Heighth: 5'5"
    To make a long story short...
    Heavy all my life but recenlty gained 40 lbs from a surgery in which I had a tumor removed from my hand. Was unable to move my hand , or use my arm for 3 months. I ate whatever i could, walked only when I had too. I was stationary 23 hrs a day.

    I have lost 28 lbs in 3 months. Before this tiny weight loss I had high blood pressure, anemia, migraines, abnormal hormone levels, break outs (face acne), insomnia, swelling of the lower limbs (bad circulation), the list goes on. I was officially one of those "big " people that huff going up the stairs and knees hurt just walking for 5 minutes.

    3 months later -I am semi normal. No swelling, sleep better, normal blood pressure etc.

    I am on a mission for health..the physical part just comes with it, but its def. important too!
    I am going to walk 10 miles tonight in celebration of...Life :)

    Hope the pic works.


    Left Image is blurry cuz its a sucky camera phone-right is from actual camera :)

    awesome job!!!! huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference!!!!!! your face/tummy are soo soo much smaller!!! :drinker: you lost abot the same 'pace' as me when I first started MFP! i lost 40 pounds in 4mo! 5 pant sizes! (gained some since but am back at it). :happy: you look great! keep it up... and I hope you enjoyed your walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you soooo much! Yes, all of my family and closest friends tell me I look smaller. I guess to me because I look at myself everyday I look smaller but almost the same..lol In pictures though is where I can tell that I was very "Round".

    Wow 40 lbs, congrats! I cannot wait to get there. I been stopped all month in losses but getting toner and "smaller". 5 pant sizes? Holy cow! Im yet to even lose one :(. My clothes definitely fits looser but not enough to go down yet. I started at 18 now I may be size 17 but who really buys a 17? LOL.

    Keep up the great work-give me motivation!
  • IUFAN84
    Congratulations!! What plan did you follow to lose that amount. I am also 5'5 and need to lose about 60 lbs. I am much older and my metabolism has really slowed down so it takes me awhile. The whole process overwhelms me. I hate thinking about it all the time. Any tips?
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    plz tell me your secret I've recently had my 3rd child and bounced back with the other two ut this one left me with some work to do lol so I had to make a commitment and start cutting back on my calories

    Aw you beautiful woman on your 3rd child! I don't think there is a secret . Ive done just eating healthy and working out . No supplements, special pills, nothing.

    Honestly my hormones were all over the place when I first started. I believe to fix the outside you have to fix the inside..by that I literally mean the inside. I was very swollen too. I started eating heart healthy food, exercising, and drinking a gallon of water a day (half my weight in ounces). Your body needs time to heal. By giving it oxygen(exercise) and vitamins (real unprocessed foods) and water (we are about 70% water)...it will fix itself . Walking does amzing things .

    Good luck hun, you'll be just fine!
  • Knowledge228
    You look great. Those people being negative are just jealous. Pay no mind to them. Keep up the good work.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Congratulations!! What plan did you follow to lose that amount. I am also 5'5 and need to lose about 60 lbs. I am much older and my metabolism has really slowed down so it takes me awhile. The whole process overwhelms me. I hate thinking about it all the time. Any tips?

    Trust me Im 28 and it overhelms me! The biggest advice I can give is just to do today. Don't think about next month, next week, just be healthy today. Don't try to just do it cold turkey, ease into it. I have a personality where I just drastically do things one day to next...lol Try to add more veggies in your meals. Stop drinking sodas, juice, etc. Just take it back to being easy. Eat things that grow from the grown (no cans, bags, etc). I stopped eating white stuff mostly (flour, pasta, rice, sugar ) at least for first month to create that healthy habit. I eat junk time to time but its portioned. Ill count my doritos, or my chocolate piece. I figure I can either not have it at ALL or just the little serving that's given on back of label. I exercise everyday. If I don't make it to exercise I try to be extra active that day. Clean, run errands, park further away, take the stairs, walk the mall even bust out in a dance.

    Like I said just take it one day at a time, little by little, you'll notice that your body and mind is getting stronger. You can even buy some dvd's that I use time to time . I do hardcore workouts but my mother even uses these I recommended for her and shes 60 and swears by them. "Fit and Sexy over 40" & Leslie Sansones walk by mile (You move to the pace of walking 5 miles in 1 hour)
    They are great dvds-I use them on my weekends even! Itll help you get strong and get your body moving.

    I personally only eat 1500 cals a day. I did that because I literally sit in a desk all day at work. So even on days when I cant exercise , I eat pretty healthy to help me.

    Long story short: EAT SIMPLE, MOVE whenever you can , ONLY focus on TODAYS health. Tomorrow is another day. You'll do great things, keep in touch!
  • enkmom
    enkmom Posts: 61 Member
    Awesome job! Keep going and you will meet your goal in no time. You look beautiful :smile:
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    You look great. Those people being negative are just jealous. Pay no mind to them. Keep up the good work.
    Thanks for the lovely advice. You as well, 37 lbs lost is huge!!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Awesome job! Keep going and you will meet your goal in no time. You look beautiful :smile:

    Pulled at my heart strings a little why don't you! hehe, thank you :)
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Amazing job! Very inspiring. I wanted to ask how many calories are you eating per day and how many calories do you burn a day in exercise? I just ask because I am trying to lose 80 pounds and having a hard time figuring out this calorie thing. I have been eating 1200 calories and going to Curves and walking about 30-60 min per day.

    I eat 1500 cals a day. A little more when I work out a lot. I work out 6 days a week for about an hour , an hour an a half, every two weeks bump it up to 2 weeks. I work out this much because I literally sit all day. I have a desk job and so I figure an hour plus is only going to benefit me. I burn a lot of calories because Im heavier. The lighter you are the less you lose. I may lose like 1500 cals -2000 cals a day. I have one off day (usually Sunday).t I also try eat every few hours. I have a "cheat " day usually on my non workout day. Since Ive adjusted to 1500 cals a day now I cant even eat my cheat meals. Ill finish half a burger and a few fries and be beyond stuffed and not hungry all day. That's about it. I do have junk food but I portion it , and I don't do it often. I count my Doritos..lol or I have whatever the back says is a serving. Or if I have chips, I buy the tiny ones they sell at Wal-Mart. Its all about balance and moderation. I do a lot of cardio, that's why I look smaller..Im not able to do pushups or weights (had surgery on hand and cannot put ANY weight on it) ..so Im stuck doing the stairs at gym, treadmill and bike.

    I literally just walked 8 miles. :)

    Sample of food intake:

    Egg whites scrambled (2) on top of toasted wheat English muffin and a little bit of avocado.
    Maybe an iced tea-non sugared.

    Snack a few hours later : grapes and a piece of cheese (1oz)

    Lunch: Salad with some chicken, beans, veggies and salsa

    Snack a few hours later: a yogurt or a trail mix

    Dinner: lightest meal of the day : fruit blended with water and a spoonful of yogurt or maybe 1/2 cup of milk

    I try and stop eating about 6-7 pm (im usually up till 10 pm) so I go to bed a little hungry-which is good.

    Email me if you like to know anything else....I just do what works for me. One day at a time...:) Happy Exercising

    Thank you so much for replying! This was VERY helpful to me and I like that you went into detail. It is funny because you sound a lot like me. Lol! I just checked back in my food log from weeks ago where I was dropping the weight consistently and realized that I was eating about 1500 calories. I just thought maybe I could do 1200 and lose more faster. I have been looking at the success stories on here and see where people say they eat 1200 calories and have lost like 90 pounds in a year. I guess with all the exercise I am doing I need to eat more. Thank you for the meal ideas. I am definitely thinking I am eating too low.

    I would agree. I think they say for females don't go under 1400? If you don't eat a lot and you burn it off your body thinks its starving. It will hold on to the calories because it doesn't know when its going to eat again. You also want to keep eating every few hours to help your metabolism speed up, this help you burn fat even when you are not exercising or moving. lol , cant beat that!

    I up my calories to 1800-2000 when Im exercising a ton. I just ad an extra mini meal -a salad or smoothie or cereal . As long as its not a burger and fries-you are good.

    You have to celebrate anything that you gain form this new lifestyle. I can celebrate doing 2 hrs on a a step machine when I first started I could do maybe 15 min literally dying. I now can sit in a movie theatre seat without my hips touching the sides of the arm rests!!!! I can now wear an xl shirt (depending on fabric), I typically would wear 2xl. I no longer have face acne..i can go outside without concealer!! All these things make it worth the fight , the soreness, the ugh-I should just workout tomorrow.

    Happy Journey, and feel free to message me ANY TIME :) I can talk a lot! HAHAHA
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