Do you love your fitbit?



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I got a Zip for Christmas and love it. Maybe because I know it is just a glorified pedometer. I too wear it daily and hate it when I forget. I have found that although formal exercise is important for me it is general activity I need to up. I lost when it was and gained back with a sedentary job. So I use it for general walking and for my walk/runs. It isn't good for all exercise but it does well for alot of what I need and it is cool it syncs with MFP. If you have exercise it isn't good for, you can log it into MFP and it asks for the start time so you don't double count the burn. The Flex seems like it would be pretty nice too.
  • Gatlen
    Gatlen Posts: 20 Member
    My wife has a Fitbit Flex, I have a Jawbone UP. Both work quite well and having it there on your wrist is if anything a reminder to get to stepping more often. We both have an almost addictive tendency to get our steps up for the day and beat each other but we've noticed the Flex seems to give my wife a lot more steps in an average day than my UP does when we've both been out together for a few hours and compare our numbers.

    Ok ramblings aside, I love having my activity tracker. It really does a great job in letting you know how you're doing throughout the day aside from just your daily workouts. The sleep tracking is a novelty as I dont know how accurate it really is but its interesting to look at.
  • TeamDale
    TeamDale Posts: 383 Member
    I ordered a Flex last night. I have had to many pedometers go through the laundry or get lost. My wife has had the One for about a year and loves it. I need something I can't lose.
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    wouldn't leave home without it!! Actually, I only take it off long enough to charge it. I highly recommend it for anyone who whats to see how their body is working.
  • Ljoy1957
    Ljoy1957 Posts: 8 Member
    Have had my Flex since June and absolutely love it. Because is syncs with MFP, it's even more valuable to me. I use the food diary here, and then quick glances at the FitBit app on my phone throughout the day to track my activity progress. I have even been known to take a walk to the mailbox and back at night just to be sure I've hit my daily step goal! Highly recommend the Flex if you're serious about being accountable.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I have the ONE. There are a couple of flaws with the Flex that I can't get over. One you need to move your arms for it to work. If you push a cart or stroller it doesn't work. It doesn't count number of flights of steps and last but not least there is nothing but stars on the screen, I dont push anything often but that feature annoys me. I LOVE that my One tells me the number of the flights of steps I take in a day.. because I do take the stairs everywhere! I have to be able to see exactly what ive done so when i go to my fitbit device and hit that button I like seeing 16000 steps (what it says right now) and all the other info that it tells me. I do not want to guess or go to the website all the time. However, if you swim I would think this would be perfect! It is fully waterproof where my one is slightly water proof.
  • ShinyHappyMe15
    ShinyHappyMe15 Posts: 38 Member
    I have the one and I LOVE it!!
    I like the step counting, as well as the stair tracking. I like to change my goals each week to keep me motivated. I've also added a lot of people from MFP to my leaderboard. I had a few days this week where I didn't get all my steps in and let me tell you I am not happy that I've dropped out of the top 10! (Just a little competitive over here lol)
  • Lala_White
    Lala_White Posts: 52 Member
    Those who have the FitBit, (I've read through the posts) is the fitbit accurate as far as calories burned?
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Those who have the FitBit, (I've read through the posts) is the fitbit accurate as far as calories burned?

    So far, mine seems to be working. I've had it for about three weeks and have continued to lose weight (although slowly now because I'm at my last 10lbs).

    I haven't really heard of anyone following the calorie adjustment from fitbit to MFP and gaining/maintaining weight, but maybe other members have?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I've had a Zip for about a month now and it's a fun toy. I clip in inside my bra and just forget about it until I get home from work. It's interesting to see how many steps I take in a day and sometimes I push a bit further than a normally would to reach the next 1,000. The calorie burn seems to be about right for day to day movement but I still wear my HRM for running and log it separately.
  • jennabwilde
    jennabwilde Posts: 4 Member
    Had the Ultra - Loved it until it started cracking. Fitbit replaced both my daughter's and questions. Great Customer Service. We both received new Fitbit Ones. I will seriously consider the Flex if/when the One needs replacing.
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I have a Zip, because when I bought it, I had the same feeling-- I've tried a lot of weight loss/fitness journeys before and always lost interest or willpower. But 5 months later, I'm still wearing it daily and am disappointed when I don't. While its stats and syncing aren't always optimal in the way it functions with MFP, it does one very key thing for me: it keeps me moving and keeps me accountable.

    A lot of my exercise is still step-based (walks when I can get them in, mostly) and a large part of my goal is to get off my butt more often from my desk job.

    I'm considering upgrading to a Flex or a similar product, so that's my two cents!

    I agree with this. I had the fit bit ultra and loved it. I got it wet so I upgraded to the flex. I kinda wish I had gotten the fitbit one instead. I miss people able to look at it and see how many actual steps I have taken. Plus the flex doesn't look as cool as I thought it would and I wouldn't want to wear with a nice outfit. But all in all. I am happy with my flex. (It is water proof)
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I have a One and I neither love nor regret purchasing it. It's just sort of there.

    I still use it because the money's already spent and the trivia it provides is moderately interesting. Not one pound lost, nor even one calorie expended was due to the device though.

    If I could do it over I'd spend the $$ elsewhere. Maybe a $30 pedometer and $60 in beer.
  • karenh3585
    karenh3585 Posts: 27 Member
    I have the FitBit One and love it. Really motivates me to move more - speaking of which I'm off to walk the doggies since I'm over on my calories today & didn't go to the gym or yoga.

    I also like the sleep tracker on it since I'm peri menopausal and I want to figure out if there's a pattern to my sleeplessness.
  • jennbeaudry
    I got a One for Mother's Day, lost that one and FitBit replaced it for free. Have not missed a day of tracking since the week I waited for the new one. I weight lift and I don't find the calories burn accurate because most weight lifting does not involve steps. Other than that love it, makes me want to get those 10,000 steps a day.
  • dancinmama
    dancinmama Posts: 47 Member
    I have a BodyMedia Fit monitor, the one they use on Biggest Loser. It's fabulous, so much more accurate than a Fitbit. I got a brand new one with the bluetooth for $66 on Ebay. Still sealed in the pkg. The best purchase I ever made. Ive lost 63 lbs!
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    I have a One and it's a big motivator for me. I take the stairs extra times a day, park farther away, and run around the bathroom while brushing my teeth, all in hopes of pleasing my fit bit. I'm addicted to it and the one day I forgot it, I was devastated! That being said, it does give you calories for your activity. I feel that if I am just doing normal day to day stuff, I don't use those calories. That's just living, not exercising.

    Fit bit syncs with mfp so you just log your food on mfp and the fitbit site gets it too. It's nice to have it all in one place. I do think that the fitbit has helped me lose weight and also kept me motivated. The best part is that when you pick it up, it says nice things to you like "GOOOOOOAL" or "Smoochies" and other cute things. Mine lives in my bra and it doesn't bother me at all.
  • mart001
    mart001 Posts: 194 Member
    i have the fitbit one since mid january, ant that along with my fitness pal. helped me lose 67 pounds so far. they are very motivating. if this helps. they have a deal now on living social where you can get a $50 gift certificate for $25 at brookstone ,and they do carry fitbits. so you basically get it for $75. you will love it. heres the link
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I love my fitbit flex. It's great for those days when I need that extra push to get off the sofa :)
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    Love it. You have to have friends to motivate you.
    I am competitive so like to try to stay at the top of my friends list.
    Currently this week I am #1 with 101k steps and I am at 83% of my weekly total of 70k steps
    The 101k steps is the for the last 7 days. where as the 70k steps starts over every week.
    My wrist band broke and they sent me a new one and received it Thursday after Labor day and got a hold of them on Saturday before labor day and sent them the copy of my receipt and picture of the broken wrist band with my repair number in the picture and they sent it right out.