Not sure how to 'maintain'



  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I am close to maintenance and have also been considering how to handle it. I do plan to continue to log in MFP daily; it is so easy to do so and I know that I'm the type of person who, once she starts cutting corners she'll soon be back to all the old (bad) habits. As so many of the posts have suggested, I'll try adding calories back in but at a low, progressively higher, rate until I get a better sense of what it takes to maintain my weight. Ten pounds or so ago, I began weighing every day (instead of every week) so as to form the habit of doing so. This way, I'll get a handle on it quicker if the numbers are trending up. If you have trouble eating larger amounts or volumes of food, you can also try adding a scoop of protein powder to your oatmeal or yogurt (or whatever) so as to ingest better nutrients that you might get in cheesecake or ice cream...
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I lost over 50 lbs 6 years ago. I pretty much just stopped counting my calories and continued to eat like I had but included a few more splurges.

    To avoid yo-yo dieting, I weighed myself every day to every couple days. My goal was to never reach 130 lbs. Thus when I got to 127/128 I would try to make more healthy choices and count calories to get back down to the 120-124 range I prefer. By not letting my weight creep up too far, I was never tempted to go to more extreme dieting. I could just make some smaller adjustments and let the few extra lbs slowly come off.

    I have mostly stuck around 122-124. I made myself gain to 127/128 when I was trying to get pregnant in hopes maybe it would help me. That was much harder to maintain and I think I did see 130 even one time.

    I have eaten some pretty crazy calorie laden meals in the past 6 years and by keeping tabs on my weight, I have been able to make little adjustments. Unless you have some kind of health issues, one day is not going to make you gain 10+ lbs.

    I know some people hate the scale but I find by the time my clothing seems tight or I visually realize it, I am on the upper range of what I like so the scale helps me avoid that. And sometimes, I visually think I am and weighing myself makes me realize that I am not as big as I thought so it helps me not get too small.
  • elainejanes
    elainejanes Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you, MFP administrators for having this new strand! You guys think of everything!! xoxo

    I completely agree about it being tough and scary to maintain my new weight. I have lost 24 lbs. on MFP. I am lighter than I have been since high school. (I am far removed....:) I am so so grateful to this website for helping me attain a dream I never ever thought possible. So the last thing I want is to gain my weight back.

    I weigh myself every day. I have done that for years so it's what I do.

    I still log every day on MFP, but not everything I eat and always my exercise. I figure I need to start eating and living and not worrying about every calorie. I need to learn what amount of food I can eat without gaining. So far that is going well. As others have said, if I go up a bit, like when we travel and eat more, exercise less, I just get back to normal eating when we return. I try not to sweat it too much because life is about fun and new experiences, not just self-discipline.

    I love putting in my exercise and seeing the calories I have "earned." That is what kept me motivated on my weight loss journey. I could eat more because I exercised! I still exercise most days. I feel so much better when I do. Again, something I have done for years.

    My hubby and I are both retired and we have a beer or two (or wine) almost daily. At first I was terrified that I would start gaining. But it has not happened! I know the healthy amount for a woman is one glass a day but sometimes I have two. Again, there's that self-discipline vs. a buzz is nice......

    My biggest problem is winter. Since I started exercising outside, it is tough to hit the treadmill again. So boring! I check-out exercise DVDs from our library and that is a nice change. (I don't belong to a gym, again the whole indoors thing.) But I still gain weight during the winter months. I always have. I believe it is because we are mammals and our bodies think we should be hibernating all winter, like bears, and we put on an extra layer of fat and weight to keep warm. Okay, I know you think I'm nuts:) I am hoping to combat that this winter by being in FLA! We will take our bikes and ride or run or walk or swim every day! I am anxious to see if that breaks my winter-gain cycle.

    I wrote too much, sorry. But it's been kind of cathartic! I so appreciate this website! All of you who post help in ways you will never know! (This is my first post.) When I was discouraged, someone always cheered me. Thank you!
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Nuts. Whole milk. OMG cheese has a lot of calories! Avocados.

    A glass of milk, toast, and butter is 500 calories.

    These are all good suggestions. You can also try bigger portion sizes of the things you are already eating. I think this is a common problem. It's hard to get into the mind set of eating more. Maybe try upping your calories slowly, like 200 per week or something so the change is not so drastic.

    This :)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    you can throw away all the tricks you used to eat at a deficit.

    when i get to goal weight, for me, that is going to be going back to regular eggs rather than beaters, 2 slices of bread instead of 1, 2 cups of ice cream instead of 1, normal size cereal servings rather than 8 oz milk and 1 serving of cereal, more avocado on my omelets and sandwiches, the list just goes on and on and on

    In my opinion - I could be wrong and you could be right - that's how I would regain the weight I've lost. Most people regain because they go back to old habits. I know I would - I ate healthy but too much. I also didn't have a good enough idea of which foods were very calorie dense and which weren't.

    I NEED to keep the habits I've learned. What I'm doing to maintain is adding back a little cheese, splurging on some whipped cream, or slowly starting to bake bread again. How to add in my new 200 calories a day? A slice of home-made ciabatta and some brie while relaxing in the evening.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    When I started this process to lose 65 pounds, I determined it was not a diet, it was a lifestyle. I have only eaten foods I love, and have learned to love foods, I had not had before. I have a couple more pounds to lose, yet don't see doing anything much different in maintenance. I really enjoy the foods I eat. I will probably enjoy dining out a little more though.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i upped my cals for maintenance, however, i still eat at a defecit during the week, and then eat whatever i want on the weekends (still log) and i seem to break even on my averege weekly maintenance amount of cals!
  • uptomoonandback
    uptomoonandback Posts: 35 Member
    i upped my cals for maintenance, however, i still eat at a defecit during the week, and then eat whatever i want on the weekends (still log) and i seem to break even on my averege weekly maintenance amount of cals!

    That's what I find myself doing, I still have it as a 1/2 lbs. loss a week so that I can have extra calories to eat on the weekends and don't go over for the week. If I change it to where I can eat 250 more calories a day, then for the week I'd be way over since my family always eats out on Sunday for a big meal.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I too am finding maintaince hard and scary after losing 115 lbs I am scared of gaining the weight back, I have my life back and fo not want to go back
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i know what you mean. what you should do is give yourself a "red number"... for example, mine is 160. i weigh about 150 right now... if i ever hit 160 pounds, i will go right back into weight loss mode. i give myself a 5-10 pound window of "fluff", anything more, my cals drop down again, until i reach my goal... again... this way, you dont let it get out of control... again!
    I too am finding maintaince hard and scary after losing 115 lbs I am scared of gaining the weight back, I have my life back and fo not want to go back