What is the real deal with Alcohol?

Hi, i am back on the weightloss plan after loosing 84Lb and then gaining 30+ of it back after 3 years....the issue is alcohol, sometimes in the day i have to entertain customers and that includes wine typically, now if I count the calories in the wine and do not go over my calorie limit for the day by cutting back on food at lunch is this really going to effect my weightloss or should it be ok? I suppose my question is 'are all calories created equal?' or are some worse than others?

Obviously if I have wine for lunch I do not eat.......could this send my metabolism into shutdown over such a short time?

Advise from the guys that know would be greatly appreciated :drinker:


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Count the calories. Done.

    Just don't drink so much that it interferes with you getting an appropriate amount of nutrition.
  • TLB86
    TLB86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hey fellow drinker :drinker:

    I too like a drink and that was my main problem with not losing the weight.

    Now days if I know I am going to drink I have a healthy meal so something like chicken and salad or fish and vegetables/stir fry. That way your still eating and getting the right nutrition with the greens but also enjoying having a glass or two of the good old vino.

    I also try to stick to single spirits like G&slimlineT or vodka, lime and soda.

    Personally I still like to enjoy life whilst trying to lose the weight, which the majority of people will disagree with but I'd rather do it my way slowly than not at all. xx
  • If you feel like you need to drink to entertain your customers, then how about sneakily mixing your wines separately with some water & sugar-free sweeteners to dilute the calories?
  • SpookyElectric
    SpookyElectric Posts: 56 Member
    A very good question! I also like to let my hair down with a drink or two! I have cut out booze over the last three weeks, maybe sneaking in a glass of wine or a beer if my calorie goal allows.

    However, despite cutting out the booze - and in turn, also declining invitations to the pub with my friends - I haven't noticed the impact I had expected. So is living like a sober judge worth it?!
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Drinking does not make you fat. Too many calories make you fat. Just keep track of the calories and if they are low enough it will work out.
  • Hi All thank you very much for this......I have to say I cannot cut out alcohol all together life just not be the same :happy: bu the advice is good about eating healthier on those days so I eat something rather than cutting lunch altogether which I have ben doing and then go into the danger zone of 'REALLY HUNGRY' in the evening.........so I am relieved I can remain a :drinker: even if it is a little less than before..
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Count the calories. Done.

    Just don't drink so much that it interferes with you getting an appropriate amount of nutrition.

    I agree with the above. I would have a really hard time cutting out alcohol. I just measure out what I'm drinking and log it and try to stay within my calories.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I drink almost daily, a glass of wine, gin or Fireball. I always have and probably always will. :drinker:
    It's never stopped me from losing weight, but I do count it in my calories

    All in moderation too :flowerforyou:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    drink all you can!!!
  • kimjoffe
    kimjoffe Posts: 3 Member
    I love wine and when I have it I often over indulge so I switched to light beer and only have one or two.
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    I have found a great balance with food and alcohol. I read once on the boards about the subject and they suggested a site called get drunk not fat for calories in booze. The good stuff has little fillers and that is what packs the calories on. I found Bacardi Gold rum to have 98 calories for 1 & 1/2oz serving. With a diet coke it really satisfies my wanting a cocktail. I recently added a fitbit zip to my weight loss and just 30minutes of brisk walking gives me back some calories to play with the rest of the day. I try to keep my daily at 1200. I am very sedentary and find it hard to even get in 10,000 steps a day, but the walking for 30 min gives me the cardio I need. Love all the advice I read here and the support. Love this program along with my fitbit.
  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    Life with no alcohol is just bad for business all around!! Drinking in moderation, making sure to add it to your count and staying away from the dessert wines is the best policy :drinker:
  • Hi me again :blushing: just another quick question, if I do plan to over indulge over the weekend with a couple extra cheeky glasses of wine, can I use some of my excercise calories (I run 5 miles each day) ie bank a few 100 from each day and use them at the weekend for guilt free drinking or will that effect weightloss?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Spread your calories out however you want, as long as you hit your macro and calorie targets on a weekly basis, individual days don't matter. This is part of the basis behind intermittent fasting, Eat, Stop, Eat, 5:2, etc.
  • Wonderful - Thank you
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    I and many people do "bank" calories through out the day/week if we know we're going to have a little blowout.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Drinking does not make you fat. Too many calories make you fat. Just keep track of the calories and if they are low enough it will work out.

    So true!!!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    "If you feel like you need to drink to entertain your customers, then how about sneakily mixing your wines separately with some water & sugar-free sweeteners to dilute the calories?"

    obviously you are not a wine lover. lol.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    My trick at work functions ( I'm consulting - we're always wine-ing and dine-ing) is to ask for club soda with limes. People just assume I'm drinking gin and tonic and I can drink it all night long without having to worry about it!
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    track them liquid calories!
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi me again :blushing: just another quick question, if I do plan to over indulge over the weekend with a couple extra cheeky glasses of wine, can I use some of my excercise calories (I run 5 miles each day) ie bank a few 100 from each day and use them at the weekend for guilt free drinking or will that effect weightloss?

    Its worked for me, although I tend to try and do a fair bit on the day that I am drinking
  • rakufire
    rakufire Posts: 21 Member
    ...how about sneakily mixing your wines separately with some water & sugar-free sweeteners to dilute the calories?
    While that's a good idea on one level...ewwwww! Water down anything else, but wine? Sacrilege! ;)
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I don't think "banking" calories works too well when spread out, like if I ate 200 less on Monday and Tuesday, then went out Friday and drank it back, I wouldn't see it leveling out because our metabolisms don't work like a savings account.

    Still, if you know you're going drinking Friday Night and eat lighter on Thursday, Friday and Saturday that would probably help. Ultimately, the best thing to do is work out or jog or bike or something the day of, then go drinking that night. Also make sure you drink extra water that evening after drinking, before bed, and when you wake up. This will help you keep from getting dehydrated and having a crappy next day.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I drink almost every day. Can still eat well, too.

    Have a glass of water between each glass of booze - not only prevents hangovers but fills you up and makes you pace yourself.

    ETA sorry, just realised I basically repeated PP's advice!
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Count the calories. Done.

    Just don't drink so much that it interferes with you getting an appropriate amount of nutrition.


    I'm 22 and drink basically every friday/saturday, and I'm still losing weight & meeting my goals.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I don't think "banking" calories works too well when spread out, like if I ate 200 less on Monday and Tuesday, then went out Friday and drank it back, I wouldn't see it leveling out because our metabolisms don't work like a savings account.

    Still, if you know you're going drinking Friday Night and eat lighter on Thursday, Friday and Saturday that would probably help. Ultimately, the best thing to do is work out or jog or bike or something the day of, then go drinking that night. Also make sure you drink extra water that evening after drinking, before bed, and when you wake up. This will help you keep from getting dehydrated and having a crappy next day.
    There's lots of science behind calorie cycling, IF (intermittent fasting), and more. Granted, there's a difference between fasting and than full on bingeing Friday through Sunday... but generally, a low day (or a few) followed by a high day once or twice a week will generally lead to staying at or under "average" calories for the week.

    Focusing on a "weekly" calorie average is incredibly helpful, and it's a shame this site only allows that to be viewed conveniently on the phone.