Tried WW and now I am back



  • paulasingleton
    paulasingleton Posts: 6 Member
    I just switched over from WW too! I do love WW, but MFP is much easier to use and free. I have been reading through the posts and there seems to be a lot of support here. I wish you good luck as well! Sticking to a diet is hard to do, but a necessary evil in life I have decided.
  • malibulxi
    malibulxi Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for the replies! I made this thread/topic back in September and forgot about it. Didn't realize by introducing myself and mentioning that I was off of WW that it would gather so many comments!

    I hope everyone is doing well with their goals! Stay healthy and eat proportionality over the holidays!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    As someone who has gone back and forth to WW several times, here is my assessment, I love the support at the meetings; however, you have to have a good leader or they really aren't worth it, I like the online and phone app tools (easier to use and more selections) better on MFP along with the online community. I did double track a few weeks before and my base daily points only equalled to less than 1,100 calories....of course, then you earned exercise points and had your weekly points. I did lose weight better on WW and found it easier to stick to (maybe because I have done it on and off for so long) and I do better having the "extra" weekly points than just eating the same amount of calories everyday, but I'm still trying to figure out a way to make the whole calories thing work for me like WW worked for me in the past because I really can't afford to keep paying the money every month.

    I'm always here for more support if you want :)
  • I've gone back and forth on WW also. The online tools are wonderful; especially the cheat sheets and articles. However, I never paid attention to the content of the food ( ex. sodium, sugar, etc). With MFP, it's FREE, I know the content of the food, and understand my limits better. :happy:
  • wendy0210
    wendy0210 Posts: 86 Member
    I've done WW off and on a few times, but the last time I was on it (WW@Work with a fantastic leader!) I was on medications that caused me to gain weight no matter what I was eating or not eating. I got tired of the "look" every week from the person weighing me in; it's like they didn't believe me when I told them I wasn't stuffing my face all day long. I finally stopped going when I realized that I couldn't lose no matter what I paid.

    I also don't like how the program changes every year or so. To me, that seems like a ploy for more money. I know people who love WW and it works for them, but counting calories is just as easy for me. Plus, here I get to "start over" daily, if you will. At WW, if I was over my weeklies by day two of the week, I felt like I'd blown it and it didn't matter what I ate or didn't eat. I also never felt like I got enough food on WW. Here, I "overeat" nearly every day, and am losing, slowly, but am pretty near goal and I don't feel sick or deprived.

    I took charge of my own health, stopped listening to the doctors when they told me my meds had no correlation to my weight, and over 4-5 years have lost nearly 100 pounds. Listen to your bodies everyone; you'll find what works for you.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :)