advice on running outside



  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I agree with all of the above. I actually really hate the treadmill because I want to feel like I'm going somewhere. I also hate having to basically pick a speed and stick with it. Although it was nice to use for the beginning just to help my shins out with conditioning (I used to get really bad shin splints)
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    ....... I think part of it has to do with the fact that when you are running on the treadmill you aren't actually pushing your body forward, you're just moving your legs (in a sense). But when you run outside you need extra force to actually make your body go somewhere. That's the way I've always looked at it at least.
    QFT, thx!