c25k Grad. Up next.. Diet!

I have quickly learned that people on Facebook are only supportive until you start having success, then people just see you as trying to get attention. so from here on out, I will get my support from the awesome boards on MFP only!

My name is Catherine, I was a yo-yo dieter like many of you. THIS time, I started with exercise- This summer I started the c25k program having never run before, and quite literally- hated exercise. I graduated the program two weeks early and ran my first 5k a few weeks ago. Here I am three months later and still working out 6 times a week (running 3-4!) I LOVE IT! I am still struggling with eating properly. Due to that fact, I have not lost much weight, even though I feel like I am exercising like a maniac. Once I get this piece of the puzzle figured out, I'll be set!!

Original Weight (At the beginning of my journey, 8 years ago): 240
Current Weight: 178
Goal Weight: 145
Height: 5'7.25

I can't wait to meet you all and help support you on YOUR journeys!


  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello, fellow runner here, feel free to add me :) I actually just had a son in May and hadn't ran during my pregnancy so I am working at getting back on it. Did the Color Run last weekend and had a blast!
  • kathrynm4
    kathrynm4 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey fellow runner!

    Feel free to add me. I have the running bug also :smile:

    Well done to all your progress to date, brilliant achievement!

    Chat soon

  • Hi I'm too a C25K grad, did last year and I'm into it now, did my first 10k race in May this year.

    I'm 5f 7.5 started off at 193 lbs last June, used a Weight loss Resources site to lose 56 lbs, but don't think I could have done it without calorie counting and running.

    I don't think of it as a diet anymore, for me it's ended up being a life style choice. My crunch day came when the GP wanted to put me on cholesterol busting drugs, blood pressure drugs and diabetes drugs, I refused walked out and said I'll do it myself.

    You've done great so far, and I'm sure your body is so much more healthier than it was so take that as a big positive, it's not all about the numbers on the scales.

    I'm back on calorie counting as I've put on 1/2 a stone and want to lose it. I'm sure many will say, take your measurements they are just as important. I now use my waist to height ratio as a healthy guide rather than my BMI, that's how the medics like to measure us. Take yours you may be surprised at how healthy you are.

    Good luck, it's not a race though, just think of it as a life style change, if you keep going slowly but surely you'll avoid all those drugs and will be healthy for your family.

    Keep hold of your positive vibes and ignore the rest, in real life or on facebook, I learnt that some friends liked me being the fat one, made them feel better. I have one friend who has never mentioned my weight loss, but I didn't do it for her I did it for me and my health
  • jessnstone
    jessnstone Posts: 4 Member
    Would love to add you as a friend! I am on week 7 of c25k. I am at 184 and would like to 165 as a first goal, and then reevaluate. I love working out, but my food choices aren't always the greatest . Sounds like we may have a lot in common!
  • Chenca
    Chenca Posts: 20 Member
    I am really hoping to do the color run next year. Was it your first one? Super impressed that you ran through your pregnancy. Congrats on your son!
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I just started c25K today. I sent you a friends request. I have the food thing sort of down.
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi I'm too a C25K grad, did last year and I'm into it now, did my first 10k race in May this year.

    I'm 5f 7.5 started off at 193 lbs last June, used a Weight loss Resources site to lose 56 lbs, but don't think I could have done it without calorie counting and running.

    I don't think of it as a diet anymore, for me it's ended up being a life style choice. My crunch day came when the GP wanted to put me on cholesterol busting drugs, blood pressure drugs and diabetes drugs, I refused walked out and said I'll do it myself.

    You've done great so far, and I'm sure your body is so much more healthier than it was so take that as a big positive, it's not all about the numbers on the scales.

    I'm back on calorie counting as I've put on 1/2 a stone and want to lose it. I'm sure many will say, take your measurements they are just as important. I now use my waist to height ratio as a healthy guide rather than my BMI, that's how the medics like to measure us. Take yours you may be surprised at how healthy you are.

    Good luck, it's not a race though, just think of it as a life style change, if you keep going slowly but surely you'll avoid all those drugs and will be healthy for your family.

    Keep hold of your positive vibes and ignore the rest, in real life or on facebook, I learnt that some friends liked me being the fat one, made them feel better. I have one friend who has never mentioned my weight loss, but I didn't do it for her I did it for me and my health

    So how is your diabetes and blood pressure now? Congrats on your weight loss.
  • Chenca
    Chenca Posts: 20 Member
    You have it spot on! It is a lifestyle, and I am doing this for ME only!!! It feels so good to say that and mean it.

    I can't believe your on to a 10k already! That is incredible. I think for now, my goal would be to just do a faster 5k. ( I finished in 32 min)
  • Chenca
    Chenca Posts: 20 Member
  • Chenca
    Chenca Posts: 20 Member
    It does sound like we have a lot in common! Congrats on making it to week 7! Getting past week 5 was the toughest for me. You can totally do this!!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm also doing the C25K albeit with slower progression than you're supposed to. I've been really impressed with it - had a knee injury which stopped me from excercising, and athsma which makes it hard to start again, but this has been really good :-)

    Stuck on week 4 atm, can push myself to the end of the 3 min run, but really struggling to do the 5 min in one go. Any tips?
  • I just started a sorta modified version today!! I weigh 338.8lbs and just started working out again. Plus having asthma as well, it's been difficult. But I'm working on it!